Case Study Giselle: From a life in ruin on all levels to having it all

Case Study Giselle: From a life in ruin on all levels to having it all

Three months ago Giselle (56 years) contacted me because her massage therapist recommende me to her. After a short communication on the phone she decided to sign up for my one-on-one coaching. I soon realized that she was going to be one of my hardest cases in my entire coaching career. At the beginning she has been a very difficult person, she would not listen to what I said and constantly interrupted me. “That is going to be a tough year for me” I thought. Back then I had no idea that she would become one of my strongest cases studies within the matter of months. 

On the very first coaching call she brought up all her problems at once and it was a real challenge to dig through the clutter and to choose the most pressing issue to begin with. She had pretty much all the problems you can have: deep depression; financially broke; unemployed; she had no idea what kind of job she wanted – all she knew was that she no longer wanted to work as a nurse; she had no more energy left and has gained a lot of weight (close to being obese); a daily almost crippling head ache; in a relationship she was deeply unhappy with; having been abused by her father; an extremely dominant mother who thought that Giselle was not capable of accomplishing anything and thus made all the decisions for her and even took over the job of raising her child.

All men in her life were bossy, treated her like a child, and dominated her. Besides her mother and sister, also her girlfriends always told her what she had to do and not to do. Everyone in her life seemed to know better what was good and right for her than she knew herself. Needless to say that her self-esteem was non-existent. She felt like a big, fat failure and told me that she no longer wanted to live that way. Her entire life was a real disaster and every part of her life was in ruins. I was certain that we would have to spend between one and two years together in order to address all these issues. 

That was three months ago. 

For the first two months it seemed as she was making almost no progress. She constantly sabotaged the action steps – she either didn’t do them or did them in another way than I explained it to her. 

The first thing that happened was that she became emotionally free from her dominant mother and her abusive father. That was really a big one. 

After some job interviews she realized that she no longer wanted a job and put an add in the newspaper offering her service as a caretaker for elderly people. Within only a few days she got two great engagements and now she is her own boss, deciding how much her work is worth and making the price. Now she earns more money than she has ever earned before as a nurse and has not to work any night shifts anymore. 

Then she had a longer phone call with her daughter and their relationship began to improve. 

On the other side, the relationship with her boyfriend began to briddle very quickly and soon she realized that she was no longer emotionally attached to him. He doesn’t fit in her life anymore because she no longer needs a father figure (he is 26 years older than Giselle). When I told her that this would open herself up for a new and better relationship she instantly refused and said that she was done with men and that she didn’t want another man in her life anymore. One day her boyfriend called her “baby” as he always does. Without thinking or giving it a second thought, Giselle was bursting out, “I’m not a baby, I’m a lady!” That was the first time we got a glimpse of her real inner strength. From that moment things started moving very fast. 

Then, suddenly her health improved dramatically. Whereas she would be in bed all day long and sleep 12 hours every night before, she suddenly had more energy and started making changes in her apartment and shifting things around. Her brain fog was gone, her memory improved and she could better concentrate. Now she could do a better job with her clients and has more stamina. 

She began to be more careful about when and how much she would allow her bossy sister and girlfriends into her life and what she would tolerate from them. She learned to say ‘No’. For the first time in her life she could set boundaries and clearly say what is tolerable and what is not. 

In other words, she has been cleaning out and decluttering her entire life. 

During all that time we never did anything regarding her weight and she never weighed. She occasionally complained about her weight and I kept reassuring her that her body was taking care of the weight itself. And it has. Three weeks ago she told me that she had lost several kilograms and since then she is constantly losing weight. 

Two weeks ago she met a lovely man who is 10 years younger than Giselle – the kind of man she always wanted and was certain he would not exist. They both fell in love with each other and both feel that the other one is just the “one”, the partner they have always been looking for and dreamed of  but never found before. Very quickly they realized that everything fits. Beside the fastly growing love, they have many common interests, he treats her with the respect she deserves, and they have the best sex life ever. They both feel that they have arrived. 



And – ladies, listen well now – he said that she doesn’t need to lose weight because he loves her the way she looks like. 

Does this all sound too good to be true to you? I would have thought so three months ago. If this was your first thought, then maybe life has not been very friendly to you in the past. Maybe you have given up believing in miracles. I have seen such life stories among my clients over and over. This time I’m just surprised myself how fast this all came together and how fast Giselle could move from a life in ruins to having it all. During our 13th coaching session she told me that she no  longer needs my coaching and she said, “I finally have the life I always wanted!” 

Now seriously, how could this happen? 

Do you remember my personal story when I lost 58 pounds within a few months effortlessly without dieting or doing anything about my weight, started a new career, having the priviledge to work with over 10,000 individuals in my coaching career and fulfilling my life purpose? 

All this happened after I transformed my traumatic childhood experiences, learned to set healthy boundaries and literally decluttered my old life. In other words, I removed the root causes which had led to my weight problems. In my own life as well as in Giselle’s, it also meant to let go of a relationship which was not good for me. 

In Giselle’s case, I did nothing else but helping her to transform her personal root causes which had led to weight gain. We never did anything regarding her weight at all. She always loved cooking and she is still enjoying it and has no food restrictions except those foods she is allergic to. What we did do for the sake of her health is eliminating a few bad habits. 

Extra weight is nothing else but a signal – a warning sign – that there is something in your life that got out of balance

Since your body has no voice, it has to communicate with you in its own language, and the body’s language is SYMPTOMS. Your body communicates with you through symptoms. Once you understand what your body is trying to tell you, listen to its voice and make the necessary changes – i.e. letting go of rotten relationships, setting healthy boundaries, transforming traumatic life experiences, etc. – your body has no longer a reason to keep talking to you through extra weight. As soon as the effective root causes have been eliminated or transformed, your body can take care of the fat burning process. The symptom is no longer needed. Now the body can stop the ‘nagging’ and yelling. 

Root causes can be found on the physical level (e.g. food intolerances, diabetes, toxic overload, etc.), the emotional level (how you emotionally respond to circumstances and the world around you), the mental level (your mindset, your way of thinking, what you say, your belief system), the psychological level (your memories, your subconscious mind, past experiences, unhealthy boundaries, etc.), and even on the spiritual level (karma, stuck energy, etc.). They can be experienced in relationships with the opposite sex and the family, in your professional life, in your health or the lack of it, and whether or not your life is interesting, fulfilling and well balanced or not. 

You are a whole being and you can’t be cut in pieces or slices. Your happiness comes with a life well balanced on all pillars. Unfortunately that’s exactly what the diet industry and the gastric surgeons do with you, the only look at the symptoms and not at the root causes. They never ask WHY you eat too much, WHY you eat the wrong food, WHY you don’t like to exercise, or WHY you feel hungry all the time. They don’t look at the WHY – the root causes. All they do is trying to remove the symptom, the warning signal. And once they have done that, they don’t care about the rest and leave you alone with all your troubles and issues. They don’t care because they can’t, they don’t have the right answers. 

Another reason why my method is working so well, fast and effortlessly is because it is based on natural laws, the laws of the universe. These are laws which are true for everything and everyone. They are non-negotiable. If you jump off a 20-story house, you don’t fall upwards; you fall down and you’ll be dead. That’s non-negotiable. if you saw carrots, you will not harvest onions; you will harvest carrots for sure. That is non-negotiable. When you are a person who constantly thinks negatively, there is no way that you can attract something positive; you will attract more negativity, disease and disaster into your life. That is non-negotiable. 

When you adhere to the laws of the universe, you will reap positive things in ALL aspects of your life. It doesn’t matter whether you want to lose weight, find a better paid job, find a new love, gain better health or achieve any goal, the way to approach these goals is always the same. Just follow the laws of nature and you will manifest all these things into your life because when you do that, literally your whole life is going to improve. You can’t cut your being and your life in slices and pieces either. On the other hand you can not go on a diet and by doing so find a better job, find a new love, improve your health and lose weight all at the same time and with that same tactic. The reason is because diets are not only not based on the laws of nature, they are flat out a violation of the laws of your body. Our body reacts conversely to diets than we want and consequently we ‘reap’ the yo-yo effect.

One of these natural laws is that the pendulum swings as far to the left side as it moves to the right side. Translated to Giselle’s situation: the worse her old life was, the more the pendulum had to swing to the other side and bring her a life of good and happiness, because she uprooted the causes and changed her thinking.

Another natural law is that the more time, energy and effort you put into a goal, the more you will get out.

Right now I have ONE single spot open for one-on-one coaching over the phone. If you want to transform your weight…if you are serious about losing your weight in a healthy and maintainable way…and if you are willing to do whatever it takes to achieve that goal, then you can send me an email and let me know that you are ready to work with me. In a free consultation over the phone I will explain you the options you can choose from. That is non-binding and you can either take my offer or leave it. Once that one spot will be filled, you can get on my waiting list.

In the meantime:

Happy slimming! 

* Disclaimer: these results are not typical. How fast a client experiences positive results entirely depends on how committed she is and what action steps she takes.

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