How to successfully tackle your New Year’s Resolutions

New Year's Resolutions and Clipboard on White Background

It’s New Year’s Resolution time again!

Here it is: a clean plate, a new beginning, a new CHANCE to make it happen this time.

Will you take that chance or let it go by (again)?

The choice is – as always – entirely yours. So are the consequences.

Every January millions of people make New Year’s resolutions, and no one keeps them.

The question is, what’s stopping YOU from achieving your goals?

Be it a lack of time, lack of discipline, poor planning, trying to do too much…or too little…both, success and failure are still entirely in your own hands.

Who says that New Year’s resolutions can’t last? Mine do and the resolutions of my clients do last, and it’s easier than you may think. All you need to do is working around a few stumbling blocks and not to give up. It’s really easier and simpler than you may believe.

Goals generally can be extremely motivating. By nature you are a very powerful being, capable of accomplishing awesome things. And this is exactly what I encourage you to focus on: your inherited power (not your past failures).

The trick is to…

  • …set realistic goals
  • …choose a strategy that has a good chance to bring you the desired long-term (Regarding weight loss this means choosing a holistic strategy and staying away from diets.)
  • …ask yourself what you are unhappy about and what you absolutely don’t want anymore
  • …find your big WHY and what you really want  instead (most of the time the big WHYs have something to do with your life purpose)
  • …make a plan/a strategy that contains healthy eating, some exercise, change of attitude and elimination of some psychological causes (which are some of the biggest reasons why the weight bounces back if not resolved)
  • …stick to that plan for a whole year (create a “stick-strategy” – no poor night’s sleep, no unpredictable occurrence, no sudden breakup, no stressful job can keep you away from your plan)
  • …make just one change at the time (“Do few things but do them well.” St. Francis)
  • …take charge (don’t wait for things to change or for a new diet pill to hit the market, there is no miracle pill – the greatest miracle are YOU)
  • …take consistent and daily action – no excuses (taking action gives you such a sense of confidence and makes you feel better – being in control of your weight and health is invaluable)

The worst thing you could possibly do is starting with a New Year’s resolution without having a clear plan. Not having a plan must lead to disaster and failure.

Would a clear and simple 30-day plan with tiny daily action steps help you overcome the biggest hurdles? I’m talking about a 30-day plan all of my past participants have learned to appreciate very much. Such a plan can really keep you on track. Check it out here

So what do you want to achieve this year? Do you want to lose 10 pounds? 50 pounds? 100 pounds? It doesn’t matter how much excess weight you want to lose, you can do it. I’m here to assist.



The worst thing you could do is letting this chance pass by and hear me say in a year from now, “I told you so.” I told my readers 12 months ago, 24 months ago, 36 months ago….and I can certainly encourage you in 12 months again. But I’d rather see you succeed this year, because there is nothing more empowering than achieving your goals. Just go about them the right way. Stay away from diets and quick-fixes (because they are actually no-fixes).

What are your New Year’s resolutions? Are you facing any weight issues that seem insurmountable? Do you want to lose weight this year and make 2016 the last year you’ll ever have to struggle with your weight?

Let me know in the comments below and I’ll gladly assist you in your goal achievement process.

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