Fat-Burning Supplements – Their Advantages and Disadvantages

Recently, there have  some fat-burning supplements hit the market with big claims and promises. Because people often ask me what I think about these products, I tried several for myself. Besides, I knew what I had to look for and how to protect my health. In this article I want to share with you my experiences and conclusions.

First of all, those products I’ve tried didn’t work at all.

I’m sure that some people must have lost some weight, otherwise the manufacturer could not make such big claims like “lose 1 pound a day”. Well, maybe I’m still just too naïve or credulous. I just can’t believe that there are people out there who would lie so shamelessly and take advantage of others. But, of course, they do exist. Althought I have seen many of those, I still prefer to believe in the good in people. 

To gain an understanding of what I want to share with you today, let’s assume that these supplements work at least for some people. And let’s take the extreme example of “lose 1 pound a day”.

Doesn’t that sound tempting? Gosh, if that is true, how fast could we all lose our extra weight!


Do we really want to lose it that fast? Is such a fast weight loss healthy? And most of all is it maintainable? Because, who in her right mind wants to lose weight quickly just to gain that lost weight back? So I assume that we are all on the same page here and want to lose weight for good.

To get a better understanding of how much sense such a speedy weight loss would make, we have to take a look into our body. There are two major issues with that.

First of all, when we lose weight in an unnatural way fast – meaning that we use a substance that forces our body to burn fat very quickly – what happens then in our body?

The faster you lose fat, the more your body will be instantly be flooded with toxins and acid. Keep in mind that extra fat serves your body as storage room for toxins and acid in order to keep them safely away from your vital organs and most of all, from your bloodstream.

Why does your body do that?

Because, toxins and acid are lethal already in small dosages. That’s why our body comes with such a fantastic safety system to keep you alive as long as possible. In its wisdom, your body is constantly trying to undo all the damage you and your environment are doing. And it does that 24/7, 365 days a year, every year of your hopefully long life. What an ordeal!

But the moment your body is forced to burn that fat quickly, it will be literally flooded with countless toxic substances and acid; and that can be really dangerous. Even a slight increase of acid in your blood can be lethal. That’s why our body is so adamanent in buildig fat layers upon fat layers to store them away in the least harmful way. 

What would the alternative be? When you lose weight through leading a healthy lifestyle, your body burns a little bit fat, deals with the released acid and toxins small enough so that your system can really deal with without being jeopardized. So it’s burning fat… excreting the released toxins…burning fat…excreting the released toxins…burning fat, etc. On the other hand, if you use a fat-burning supplement, the process is burning fat…burning fat…burning fat…burning fat, and liver and kidneys have no chance to deal with all these newly released toxins. Your system is not prepared to deal with such a sudden load of acid and toxins at once. The consequences are a damage of some organs (liver damage, kidney damage, skin cancer, etc.) and eventually early death. Although then you would not have to worry about your weight anymore, I assume that this is not an option for you.

If this is not fast enough for you – but keep in mind that we are still talking about maintainable weight loss and not about yo-yo dieting – then there is an alternative. It’s excreting toxins first…letting the body burn fat that is no longer needed…excreting toxins…letting the body burn fat that is no longer needed…excreting toxins, and so on. This is what happens when you do a healthy detox or cleansing. Here too, you can either do it the wrong or the right way. [Please see my program SheSlimEasy 90]

Alas, the flood of acid and toxins is just one downside of fat-burning supplements. There is another consequence of quick weight loss. It’s not unhealthy but extremely ugly. I’m talking about the consequence of having lose skin. Lose skin always comes with unnaturally fast weight loss. Natural weight loss, where the body has time to adjust in a natural and healthy manner, hardly leads to saggy skin.

“I can get rid of the excess skin with a plastic surgery,” you may respond. Yes, you can. But I say that you still did not fully consider the consequences.

First of all, each surgery leaves scarves, and scarves derange the functions of the meridians what leads to a variety of health problems. Besides, this would not look nice because then your body would soon look like a map with ugly lines and bumps all over. Thirdly, your body would not look nicely toned and shaped. You may be slim, that’s true, but you will not look attractive because your body would lack a nice shape.

Can you see how the temptation of losing weight quickly leads to new and even more problems? On top of that, quick weight loss is never sustainable. Now you have all these other issues, that is, if you’re still alive; and on top of that you will soon be fat again, now having more problems than ever before.

So why doing this to yourself?

Is that really worth the price?

Learn some simple steps to lose your extra weight for good!

8 Weight Loss Experts Reveal The Truth.


Speaking of the price of these supplements, they are quite expensive. A year’s worth costs approximately $780. Yes, you pay monthly and thus it doesn’t hurt so much. Most likely one year of consuming these supplements will not do because the lost weight tends to come back. So you will more likely have to buy these supplements year after year. And, keep in mind what other costs the fast weight loss will bring in terms of health and longevity. I know people who had to spend all their savings in health costs. And instead of enjoying their life after retirement or buying their dream house, they now run from doctor to doctor and spend a ton of money every month, just to function minimally. Believe me, that’s not what I call a good life. Because everything extreme we do to our body can lead to autoimmunity, and any kind of autoimmune diseases are very expensive to treat, not to speak about the destroyed liver and kidneys, and the skin cancer because these organs could no longer deal with such a load of toxins and acid waste material.

Then there is a third problem with that approach. It does not eliminate the root cause. With that approach – be it diet, exercise, pills, or surgery – you either mask or treat the symptom but not the cause. The symptom may go away for a while or be invisible, but some day it will come back. Symptoms will always come back like a boomerang as long as the root cause is still there. Symptoms are your body’s way of communicating with you. And as long as you don’t deal with the real problem and solve it, the symptoms will come back. So what sense does it make to treat the symptom before the root cause will be eliminated or transformed? 

None whatsoever. 

I had clients who thought that my programs were too expensive and that they first wanted to try X and Y. Of course, they turned out to try X, Y, Z, A, B, and C. Then they eventually ended up in one of my workshops. Only, then I had to deal with a lot more issues than they had a couple of years earlier.

So you spend a lot of money.

You lose precious time and waste your energy.

You lose weight fast but you overtax your excretion organs and get yourself in severe danger of becoming severally ill or even die prematurely.

Then you get that ugly, saggy skin.

Both leads to higher health costs.

And when you’ll gain the lost weight back, you will have to keep purchasing these supplements, quickly getting yourself in an endless downward spiral. And some day you will end up at my door again. 

So, may I introduce you to a healthier alternative where you can lose weight fast now (not ultra fast but still fast) while detoxifying in a healthy way, and all that without getting so much excess skin that the body can’t adjust anymore and safe you a lot of money and sorrow?

My SheSlim programs are all about transformation of the root causes. Once the root cause(s) is eliminated, your body has no longer a reason to hold onto the extra fat and can begin to burn it off in its own speed. For example, in my SheSlimEasy program we transform all the habitual root causes – we work on eight habit groups and over 20 poor, fattening habits. In my SheSlimFast program we then take the detoxification to the next level, where the most weight loss can happen. In my SheSlimSmart program, we take care of your mindset and your psychology and use mental techniques for faster and easier weight loss in accord with your body. The SheSlimForever program is then about the transformation of psychological root causes and trauma. The last two workshops are mainly for maintainable weight loss while the first two can lead to fast weight loss in healthy ways. For all these programs the main goal is maintainable weight loss through transformation

That’s the big difference.

The big difference is maintainable weight loss through transformation.

This path is certainly faster than constant yo-yo dieting. It’s safe, healthy, and maintainable. So here you really have it all.

And here is another fantastic benefit most people are not even aware of. With this approach you are creating a nice domino effect. 

By transforming the root causes, they also automatically improve their overall health, their social life, their love and sex life, their professional success, their finances, and their relationships. Many of my former clients have even deepened their spiritual life. These are all very positive and extremely powerful ‘side effects’ you can’t get from a diet, a supplement or a gastric surgery.

So ask yourself, which side effects would you rather have? Illness, burn out, saggy skin, early death?

Or how about a nicely shaped slim body, great health and vitality, and massive improvements in every aspect of your life that may take a little bit longer?

It happens now and then that I meet a former participant on the street or on Facebook. Some of them I have on the phone now and then. And what I hear from them are statements like the following: “Since my parents have followed your workshop, you have often been a topic during our family meals, and what I have learned from you indirectly, I can now pass on to my family and they all have had great successes by following your advice.” That was a statement I recently heard from a young man whose parents attended a weekend workshop more than 30 years ago. He now has children of his own and passes on what his parents shared with him during their family meals to his wife and children. Get that, one couple invested in a weekend workshop with me and now three generations are using what they have learned and all are benefitting tremendously in every aspect of their lives, be it school, job, business, health, relationships, you name it.

That’s what I call great value.

A couple of years ago I met a former client of mine in a mall. She told me that she had lost me out of sight when I moved to another country and that she and her mother (both former workshop participants) have been looking for something similar than my workshops for years. They have attended many workshops since and even enrolled in a class to learn an alternative therapy method. But she told me that they were constantly disappointed because, “nothing came even close to your workshops…not even close,” she said.

Frankly, for many years I had no idea that people were feeling that way because I saw them once or twice and then never again. I had no idea that they never came back for the simple fact that they didn’t need my assistance anymore.

How can that be?

The short answer is: Because my methods are based on natural and universal laws which are true for everybody and everything. You can transfer my methods to any problem that might be ailing or bothering you, not just weight loss. And while transforming the causes of weight issues, at the same time you also transform the causes of other diseases and any kind of problems and issues.

These methods work because they are based on fundamental truths!

Another short answer is: we are talking about quality here. We have to begin to distinguish between quality and quantity or between quality and speed. Whatever you do on one level, automatically has a positive effect on all other levels as well. When you change your mindset, this has an effect on every other aspect of your life as well. The same is true for your emotional patterns, how you interact with people, and most of all, how you are treating yourself. 

Here is another feedback from one of my former clients. She said, “This was much more than a weight loss program…it was a school of life”. 

To sum it  up, we could say that these fat burning supplements might lead to fast weight loss. On the other hand, I have tried them without dieting, and they didn’t deliver on the promise. If they were really so great, then there was no diet needed, otherwise it’s rather the diet that leads to weight loss and not the supplement. And there is another aspect we have to take into consideration. We can never know how much these products help because of the placebo effect, what makes these supplements even more expensive. And if they work as promised, the benefit of losig weight fast is far smaller than all the negative side effects. 

You can take many detours on the way to your ideal weight…or you can take the straight way by showing a little bit of patience. The choice is yours. 

Happy slimming :-).


Is your health and weight loss goal worth five to fifteen minutes of your time every day?

If you want to learn a process that leads you to constant weight loss success by baby stepping, check out my Facebook group. 

You can get a feeling for the 4 Pillars of Weight Loss process for free. Simply join my closed Facebook group where you can go through the process by taking tiny daily baby steps completely stress free and still make tremendous progress. 


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