Weight Loss Psychology – Your Weight Is Like An Iceberg (80% of the problem is beneath the surface)

Weight Loss Psychology – Your Weight Is Like An Iceberg (80% of the problem is beneath the surface)

Women all around the world have experienced this: they go on a diet, lose some weight and after a while they gain the lost weight back. The harder the diet was, the more frustrating this is.  

Yes, the awareness that diets don’t work is rapidly growing among women all around the world. But what is the alternative to the dieting/exercise approach?

That’s a great question and the answer is not obvious…unfortunately. There are many theories out there, and most of them are quick fixes which really don’t fix anything. This is very confusing for a woman who is looking for serious answers. 

I personally had to grow into my sixties, work with over 10,000 women worldwide, I had to go through decades of struggling with my weight to detect at least 75 possible root causes of weight gain in women. This may sound like an intimidating number but it’s not nearly as hopeless to find your root causes as you may think. As a matter of fact, understanding your root cause will significantly speed up the weight loss process, and in most cases the result is sustainable, unless there is another root cause in effect. 

So let’s first talk about root causes. 

There are five levels on which a cause for weight gain can happen:

  1. Physical pillar: For example. toxic overload, hormonal imbalance, food intolerances, some auto-immune diseases, parasites, stress and many more. Actually, eating too much and a lack of exercise are only two of the 72 causes I have counted so far. So please forget dieting for a moment. 
  2. Your emotions: When there is an emotional imbalance of some sort, this can lead to many behavioral habits. The habits in that case are only the symptom but not the cause. Especially for women, the emotional pillar is a big one when it comes to weight loss. Some of the most common emotional causes are a lack of love, not feeling valued, overwhelm, not being seen, etc. 
  3. Mindset: Although the first two pillars are very important, the probably most important one to look at is the mindset. Especially women have developed a terrible mindset around food, weight and their body. They are often so fixated on what to eat and what to wear on any given day, that they think of their weight all day long. And after a while those thoughts become so automated that they run on autopilot on a more subconscious level. And that is really dangerous because the women are then not even aware of their thinking anymore. Therefore, uprooting a negative mindset is a very important and large part of my work because this is something most women can’t handle by themselves anymore. 
  4. Subconscious Mind: According to psychologists, 80% of the problems are in the subconscious mind, why it is almost impossible for most of the women to understand what the real problem behind their weight issue is. The good news is that 80% of the solution is also on that level, and that’s where my expertise is. The largest part of the work is the digging and the finding. Once we have found the subconscious patterns, it’s easy and fast to transform them. And equally the weight loss process is also fast and relatively effortless. Even transforming past trauma is most of the time a matter of a few weeks or a couple of months. 
  5. Spiritual level: It happens more and more that we can also see some spiritual issues and root causes behind weight problems, for example when there is some karma involved. 

Imagine you never having to worry about your weight ever again!

Go and dig deeper. 

Go look beneath the surface. The problem is not the stomach but the psychology behind the eating. The problem is not what a person eats but why she eats what she eats. Is she bored? Is she lonely? Is she unfulfilled? Does she feel under-valued? Does she feel abandoned? Is she with the wrong partner or at the wrong job? Has she been abused? 

I can tell you that in my 40 years of working with overweight women I have seen and heard hundreds of different stories. Never ever did I recommend any of the over 10,000 participants to do a diet. Develop health eating, yes, but not a weight loss diet.  What we do is learn to apply an overall healthy lifestyle just for the sake of a healthy body. 

How on earth do you want to fix that with gastric surgery?

How on earth does anybody believe that it’s enough to get you on a diet?  

Here are a few examples of women who lost weight simply by transforming their root causes:

  • I lost 54 pounds and kept it off for 14 years after I transformed some childhood trauma. I didn’t do any diet and I did not exercise at that time.  
  • Trudy lost weight after she realized that her root cause was a rape. Once she had transformed that traumatic situation in our coaching, she lost weight without changing her diet or exercise regimen. 
  • Tina wanted to find the love of her life, and after we have transformed her invisible wall which has repelled the right men before, she not only found the love of her life, she also lost weight although this was never her goal or focus. 
  • Giselle lost 45 pounds withing 12 weeks without changing her eating habits nor did she exercise. In her case we had to deal with some family problems, she had to change the job and she too found the love of her life at the age of 55. Check out this blog post: https://www.angelabuhri.com/case-study-giselle-from-a-total-ruin-on-all-levels-to-having-it-all/
  • As a teenager, Mavies found out that she is gay, and being raised in a catholic family she never learned how to deal with her feelings. So she closed up and did not allow anybody into her life and heart. When I met her, she had just survived two heart attacks and breast cancer, and her face seemed lifeless, like hidden behind a thick layer of fog. After we started working together she learned to love unconditionally regardless of the sex of a person. She has accomplished that within the first month of working with me and is still in the transformation process.

For many women, the extra weight serves as a protective shield. In those cases a coach should never take that away from her through a diet, a pill or a gastric surgery. The very first job of a coach in such a situation is to replace that protective layer with another form of protection and through helping their client to set healthy boundaries so that the weight is no longer needed. 

Please, don’t be afraid of looking deeper. It’s so deliberating to break free from these invisible shackles and to find your true, slim you underneath these layers. 

Although it requires a little bit more than changing your eating habits, it’s still the easiest, fastest, most sustainable and quickest way to lose your weight. Why? Because it’s the most direct way. 

Start melting your personal ‘iceberg’!

Happy slimming :-). 

Angela B. 


What overweight women believe to need for their weight loss success (Part 1)

There is often a significant disparity between what overweight women want for weight loss and what they truly need. We humans often struggle to identify our true needs in solving a problem, primarily because it falls outside our area of expertise. And most of the time it’s exactly our wants that lead us astray on the wrong paths.

Women’s wants on a weight loss path often align with the outdated belief ‘of eating less and exercising more’. However, what they genuinely need to achieve long-lasting weight loss is often something entirely different. What women truly require is a transformation of the old paradigm and their habits.

Now, let’s explore three lists that outline what overweight women typically desire when it comes to their weight loss journey. Some beliefs are inherently wrong, some women’s beliefs are partly wrong, and some are correct. 


Things overweight women believe to need that are basically wrong

“I need to learn how to count calories to make better food choices.”

Counting calories is not the most effective or sustainable approach for long-term weight management. First of all, it’s a flawed system that has nothing to do with what’s going on in human bodies. The calorie myth has long been debunked, yet it stubbornly remains in people’s heads. Secondly, the quality of food: is much more important than the quantity. Counting calories alone does not take into account the nutritional value and quality of the food you consume. Not all calories are created equal, and focusing solely on calorie counting can lead to neglecting essential nutrients your body needs for overall health. A balanced and nutritious diet, consisting of whole, unprocessed foods, is essential for sustainable weight loss and optimal well-being. And here we are talking about a healthy lifestyle and not about a weight loss diet. 

It’s not the calorie counting you need to learn but to find out WHY you eat too much or crave the wrong foods. What is behind the eating? Once you have that figured out and transformed, eating too much will no longer be an issue. 

“I need a structured meal plan to help me make healthier choices.”

Although this statement is not entirely wrong, it is based on food, seeing food as the sole root cause of weight problems. This is something your intellect tells you that you need, but for most people it’s nonsense. 90 percent of weight loss coaches give you this kind of advice because this is what they understand or believe to know about weight issues, but they’re completely oblivious about the real causes of weight gain. The choices you make regarding food are just symptoms of a deeper-rooted problem. While there is nothing wrong with making healthy choices, the root problem is why you’re not making healthier choices and not your meal plan per se. Once you have uprooted the underlying causes, making healthy eating choices will be the most natural thing for you and you will not need a structured meal plan but eat what your body needs. 

“I need guidance on portion control.”

The same is true here. Unless your eating habits are completely out of control – and even then – what you need more than control is finding and eliminating the root cause. If you feel that your portions are out of control,  your body might be deprived, or this is a sign of a deeper problem, a psychological problem, or maybe it could even be a health problem. 

“I need a workout routine that fits into my busy schedule.”

This statement is also based on the false and outdated paradigm of eating less and exercising more. On top of that, the problem is seen in the person’s busy schedule, and that is a false mindset of setting life priorities wrong. If you add such a tactic into your weight loss strategy, you’re going to fail with it because it’s not based on the truth and your needs. It’s something that has to get squeezed in, and thus you will never have fun with your exercise/workout routine. Of course, there is nothing wrong with working out, and it should always be part of a healthy lifestyle. But if your schedule is so busy that you can’t fit a minimum of exercise into it, then you have a priority problem, not a time problem. 

“I need practical tips for eating healthy while traveling for business.”

If you feel that you need practical tips for eating healthily while traveling for business, then you’re on a fad diet and not on a healthy, sustainable weight loss strategy. This is a sign that you have been brainwashed into believing that you don’t know what’s good for you, which is an insult. Here too, if you need tips for eating healthy…regardless of where in the world you are…then the problem is not the eating but what’s behind your eating habits. Maybe you are not aware of what’s healthy and what’s not. You’re focusing on outside solutions instead of what your body needs. Again, you have to tackle the problem from the other side, at the root cause, or simply learn to listen to your body’s needs. When traveling, ask your body what it needs. It may be something very different from what it needs at home. Meat, fish, salads, and vegetables are always available in every country of the world. If you stick to those, you can’t do much wrong. Believe me, YOU know what is good and healthy!  Don’t allow anybody to tell you otherwise. 

“I need guidance on how to read food labels and make informed choices.”

Well, if you have a lot of time and understanding food labels is your passion, that’s certainly an interesting hobby. But if you only need guidance with that for weight loss, if you have lost contact with your body and your common sense, then the problem is not the food labels. The real problem then is that you’re eating the wrong foods in the first place. Maybe you’re just naive, believing the nonsense that something with a food label could ever be healthy. The simplest guidance I can give you is, to stay away from any foods which HAVE labels. You may live under the false assumption that you don’t have time to cook from scratch and hence you need pre-cooked food. And, don’t get me wrong, I can fully appreciate that you feel that way because of your demanding schedule. Here too, the problem lies deeper. First of all, it has something to do with your life priorities, you’re not prioritizing your health. Secondly, it says a lot about what you believe to deserve (labeled foods are no better than any dog or cat food). Thirdly, eating foods with a label, which we know that they contain toxins, does not save you time but takes precious time away from your life…you win nothing. therefore, may I suggest making your health a priority and seeing where else you can free up some time? Maybe you could stop counting calories or learn to read food labels which is very time-consuming. Cooking from scratch does not necessarily mean that you need a lot of time. You can make a healthy meal in as little as five to ten minutes. 

“I need strategies to navigate social events and parties without derailing my progress.”

If you have a healthy, sensible weight loss strategy and a good relationship with your body, you don’t have to care about food during social events or while traveling. You can only spoil the weight loss process when you’re on a restrictive fad diet, which as we know, leads to yo-yo dieting. I have clients who lost weight during Thanksgiving week while eating everything they had on the table  (including pies) and enjoying the time with their loved ones. It all begins with your mindset and your inner paradigm. THAT’S where the change has to begin and not with your diet. Once you have accomplished that, neither social events nor traveling will ever be a problem for you anymore. Eating has always been a natural process because your life depends on it. As soon as something so simple and joyful like eating becomes complicated, there is something wrong with your approach. 

“I need to address my lack of knowledge about nutrition and healthy eating.”

Again, this implies that food is the enemy. It’s not. It’s a false paradigm. It’s the reason why you eat what you eat and why you overeat which is the problem, not the food itself. It’s your inner world that leads to weight gain, not your food. Overweight people naturally tend to give food way too much power over their body and weight, while the real master over our health and body is within us. Everybody knows deep within what healthy food is. Everything boxed, bottled, or canned is NOT. 

“I need practical tips for meal prepping and planning ahead.”

If you are so used to feeding on prepared meals – which is, by the way, one of the root causes for being overweight – then you may never have learned how to cook a healthy meal. In that case, I highly recommend taking a few cooking classes and finding joy in the cooking process. It’s such a great feeling to take care of your body by cooking a delicious meal. It instantly increases your feeling of self-worth. For example, how about a cooking class for Mediterranean cooking, Italian cooking, French cooking, Chinese cooking, Greek cooking, etc? These are all healthy ways of eating. Just add a lot of fresh produce. 

“I need resources on creating a healthy and supportive environment at home and work.”

This too is a matter of setting healthy life priorities. Yes, a healthy and supportive environment at home and work is crucial for your health. If one of your highest priorities is health for you and your loved ones, then you’d do everything in your power to create a healthy and supportive environment, be it at home or work. Only you can tell what a “healthy” environment means for you and your loved ones. Besides, you have to feel comfy and at home. Nobody is holding you back except yourself. If you feel that way, you’re living in kind of a prison of an old paradigm that has led you to create the environment you currently have. Then it’s your paradigm that is holding you back, not the environment. The real resources are not somewhere out there, out of your control. They are inside of you. 

“I need resources on how to handle food-related triggers and temptations at work.”

Everything else I have said in this chapter is also true for this paradigm. It just doesn’t work that way. You don’t need resources but a deeper understanding of what’s going on within you. What you may need is the transformation of some emotional response patterns you have at work. You see, I understand that you have been told that you need something to handle food-related triggers. This is a way to get you hooked for life. You did not wake up one morning and say to yourself, “Gosh, I need to find something that helps me handle food-related triggers.” This is information that comes from some false weight loss coaches who do not understand that habit transformation is an inside job and not based on some “resources”. Therefore, I can’t blame you for feeling that way. 

“I need help in breaking the cycle of emotional eating and finding healthier coping mechanisms.”

Although I agree that you need help in breaking that cycle (nobody can do that by herself because we all have our blind spots), it’s not so much about “coping mechanisms”. This too is one of these false weight loss tips 90% of weight loss coaches would give you, simply because they don’t understand the truth about emotions and emotional eating. It’s not about “coping” but about taking responsibility and shifting your emotions instead of applying a coping mechanism. If you know how you can instantly shift any emotions within seconds. 

“I need guidance on managing my time effectively to prioritize my health goals.”

It’s one of the biggest illusions mankind has that we could “manage” time. Time is nothing real although it often feels that way. The planet Earth is probably the only place in the entire universe where something like “time” exists. The prioritizing part is correct, though. It’s all about setting or changing life priorities, which have nothing to do with time. This topic is too complex to talk about in a short paragraph. That’s something I’m going to work on intensively with a small group of people very soon. Once you understand the real issue, you will never have a stress or time problem ever again. 

“I can’t control my eating habits anymore. The only thing that can help me lose weight is a gastric bypass.” 

These beliefs stem from a flawed comprehension of genuine weight loss success and the necessary steps involved. It stems from a paradigm that tells you that food is the enemy. They are rooted in an outdated, erroneous paradigm that misguides women in their weight loss efforts. As long as you adhere to this misleading paradigm, achieving lasting fat loss will remain elusive. In such cases, a significant mindset shift becomes imperative. If your situation has gone so far astray that you feel you need gastric surgery, then I highly recommend to join me in one of my free one-on-one coaching sessions where I create an individualized weight loss strategy together with you. This will give you a good idea of what works regarding eating and other fattening habits. Try that first before getting yourself ‘under the knife’.  And, speaking of gastric surgeries, they never solve the real, underlying root cause, which is the reason why surgeons are so perplexed when their patients gain the lost weight back after 10 years. Before you make such a decision, please check with me what healthier possibilities you have to lose weight for good instead of doing something so threatening with questionable results that can’t be reversed. 

Empower your professional journey by achieving a healthy weight and radiating confidence.

My premium holistic weight loss programs are tailored specifically for busy women like you, providing practical strategies to transform your body fast and excel in your career or business! 

As a gift to my readers, I want to provide 10 businesswomen with a free Slim & Shine one-on-one coaching call where we will create a personal weight loss strategy for you. To find out if you qualify, please click the link below to take the following short survey first. 


Once you understand the subtleties between your wants and needs, and between your questions and the answers you will receive, your weight loss journey becomes easier and more focused.

Happy slimming! 🙂

Watch out for Part 2. 

The 4 Pillars of Lasting Weight Loss For Women

To begin with, why are the four pillars for women only and not for anybody?

First of all, for men it’s much easier to lose weight than for women. Men can very well lose weight by eating fewer carbs and exercising more. And there are several reasons for that:

  • they have a simpler metabolism than women
  • they have fewer emotional issues than women.
  • they have a different hormonal balance than women
  • they have different psychology and thus different root causes than women
  • I’m a woman and I understand women’s psychology, issues and desires better than men’s

These are the main reasons why women need a different approach than men.

The real nature of human beings

The most important and crucial thing to understand is the real nature of your being. You are not only a body but also mind, emotions, and spirit. The easiest way to understand what I mean is by envisioning a building with four pillars that support the building. In this case, the building is our health and healthy weight loss.

The building of your health – and healthy weight – stands on four pillars.

One pillar is your physical pillar (the body), one pillar is the emotional pillar (the emotions you have daily and how you react emotionally to certain things and situations), the third one is the mental pillar (your thinking, what you think and say… your mindset), and the last one is your psychological pillar (your history, your memories, your subconscious mind).

One of the biggest problems regarding weight loss is the misconception that you are the physical body.

You are not your body – you have a body. You are a spiritual being in a physical body. That’s a bigger difference than you may think. As soon as you understand that your physical and visible body is only a part of the equation – like the tip of the iceberg –, you will find it much easier to find the right weight loss solution that really works for you and that will bring you the desired lasting results.

The problems for you begin when you treat your weight exclusively on one pillar: the physical body, which most overweight people do by dieting and exercising. That’s why the dieting approach is so very frustrating, especially for women. In fact, it’s the hardest way possible with no real chance of bringing you lasting results.

Even on the physical level, there can be many causes of your weight problems beside poor eating habits and a lack of exercise.

Now let me ask you a question.

What happens to a building when one of four pillars gets weak, breaks or falls away?

Not much, as long as the rest of the building is stable and strong. It may not be leveled perfectly anymore, and with every heavy storm, it may get a crack here and there. It’s just not so resistant to strain or stress anymore, but it still has a good chance to stay for a while.

It’s the same with our health and weight. When one of the four pillars is temporarily weakened, we may face some headache, a flu once or twice a year, maybe a slight allergy, or a few pounds of weight gain. Maybe you can’t sleep as well as you could some years ago… yet nothing serious.

Now what will happen when two pillars are broken? The building suddenly is in severe danger of not surviving the next heavy storm. Most likely it will even collapse before the next storm. Translated to your health this could be some stubborn overweight, muscle pain, joint pain, chronic headache, a heart disease, regular heartburn, two to four flus every year, several or more severe allergies, brain fog, and so on and so forth.

As soon as three pillars break or disappear, the whole building will collapse completely. It can’t stand on one pillar. It’s not possible.

It’s exactly the same with our health. The more symptoms and diseases you have and the heavier you are, the more is your whole health building in danger. This is the point where you have serious chronic diseases like fibromyalgia, diabetes, loss of your teeth, or other life-threatening diseases, such as cancer. You may even be obese (not just overweight), and consequently, it will take you longer to bring your weight back to a healthy weight.

On the other hand, the healthier and more stable your whole health building is, the faster your body will react to even slight changes and you can lose your excess weight quickly and effortlessly.

The better you take care of your body, the more positive your mindset and emotions, the more you have transformed your psychological root causes, the faster your physical body can heal, the faster you’ll lose weight, the slower your aging process, and the longer you’re going to live a good, healthy and happy life – a quality life.

Therefore, good health and weight loss are to a great extent in your own hands, although it may often not feel that way. If it doesn’t feel that way to you, then it’s because you don’t know the causes of your personal weight struggles, the truth about good health and sustainable weight loss. Then you’re probably still caught in the ‘eat less and exercise more’ trap, feeling helpless and hopeless.

“The necessary mindset shift for maintainable weight loss is to start thinking outside of the diet box”! —–Angela Buhri, international Weight Transformation Coach

If you want some assistance and guidance to lose your extra weight faster and easier, you have two possibilities right now:

  1. You can join my next free webinar at https://lose-and-shine-coaching.aweb.page/p/a312e22a-754e-42a3-b171-5050a9dd41cd. I do regular webinars and the topics change from time to time.
  2. If you’re serious about losing weight and would like to qualify for one of my free Slim & Shine One-on-One Coaching Sessions to get ahead faster, answer a short questionnaire to pre-qualify for a free session with me: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/6HKRVS9. During this 45-minute coaching session we are going to create your personalized weight loss strategy together.

I’m looking forward to seeing you later and assisting you in your important goal.

Happy slimming!

Angela B.

Mind Over Pounds – The Power of Your Mind for Lasting Weight Loss

“The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled.” – Plutarch

Mind over Matter’ is not a new concept. It’s ancient and tested wisdom, used by the brightest and most talented minds in history.

In our quest for lasting weight loss, Plutarch’s timeless wisdom serves as piece of truth, urging us to view the mind not as a passive vessel we can fill with any garbage but as a dynamic force that is part of a manifesting system that determines our life’s circumstances and capable of transforming every aspect of the life you want. As we apply this perspective to the challenges faced by busy, overweight women, we gain the power back for effortless, healthy, and lasting weight loss.

  1. Mind Over Matter: Plutarch’s insight encourages a shift in mindset – a recognition that the mind has the power to influence the body. For busy women juggling professional and personal responsibilities, adopting a mindset that believes in the possibility of effortless weight loss becomes a crucial first step. By acknowledging the mind’s role in shaping our actions, we pave the way for sustainable change.
  2. Active Engagement in Health: Plutarch’s metaphor of a kindled fire aligns with the idea of active engagement with one’s health. Rather than viewing weight loss as a passive goal, busy women can see it as an active, ongoing process of self-growth. This involves an open mind, deciding which information should pass the gate into your subconscious, and fostering a resilient mindset that adapts to the challenges of a hectic lifestyle.
  3. Unlocking Creative Approaches: A mind kindled with inspiration, motivation, and creativity is a powerful asset in the journey toward weight loss. For busy women, moving away from the diet/exercise paradigm and relying more on their own inner power becomes essential. By tapping into their creative potential, they will find answers to create personalized strategies that seamlessly integrate with their lifestyles, making weight loss more attainable and enjoyable. It’s our minds which start the weight loss process, not what we eat.
  4. Continuous Self-Growth: Busy women, faced with time constraints, can learn to focus on self-growth rather than the newest diets and quick fixes (which, at the end of the day aren’t quick at all). It’s our mind that dictates our emotions, our emotions dictate our actions, and our actions dictate our results. It all begins with our inner growth and a change of our mindset.
  5. Building Resilience Against Challenges: The metaphor of a kindled fire suggests resilience in the face of challenges. Applying this to weight loss, busy women can cultivate mental resilience. This involves viewing setbacks as opportunities to learn and adjust rather than as reasons to abandon their goals. When facing a stressful situation, it’s so easy to abandon a positive mindset. A resilient mindset enables them to persevere through the demands of a busy life with a positive spirit and conquer any challenges much easier, better and faster.
  6. Passion-Driven Wellness: Busy women can identify and pursue activities that bring joy and contribute to their overall well-being. When the journey is driven by passion, weight loss becomes a natural byproduct of a purposeful and fulfilling lifestyle.

Plutarch’s words can be very helpful for busy women who want to lose weight. It’s like having a guiding light! Instead of struggling with strict diets or super hard workouts, you can make a big change by believing in yourself and realizing how powerful your thoughts are. Every change you make begins with your thinking. The journey to being healthy and slim is more about transforming your mindset and trusting in your own potential than anything else.

To qualify for a free Slim & Shine One-on-One Coaching Session with Angela B., please fill out the following short and confidential questionnaire:


Happy slimming 🙂

The Hypnotic Shortcut to a Slimmer, Healthier, and Happier You

Did it ever happen to you that one morning you stood in front of your mirror and thought, “Gosh, I should be slim for a long time by now!” You have tried so much to lose your extra weight but for some reason it just never worked.

This blog post is specifically written for busy businesswomen who are seeking maintainable weight loss and a holistic approach to well-being that works fast and is maintainable at the same time. Your time is valuable and you can’t afford to waste it on weight loss methods that don’t bring you the desired lasting results. 

Right now I feel very strongly that it’s time to not only talk about that method but to make it available to as many busy women as possible because it’s by leaps and bounds the fastest, easiest, healthiest, most natural and lasting weight loss method I have found in over 40 years. In other words: simply ideal for busy women with an important life purpose.  

My aim is to provide you with this particular information to empower you to make informed choices and achieve sustainable results. So, let’s get on this transformative adventure together!

What is Hypnosis and How Does It Work?

Hypnosis, often shrouded in mystery and misconceptions, is a fascinating psychological tool that has gained recognition as a valuable method used by celebrities, politicians, artists, athletes, and business people for various purposes, including stress relief, success, weight loss and habit change. Understanding what hypnosis is and how it works is the first step in appreciating its potential for busy and overweight businesswomen looking to achieve their health and weight loss goals efficiently.

What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a natural state of deep relaxation with focused attention and heightened suggestibility. Hypnosis is very natural to us because we get automatically in a hypnotic state almost every day. In a hypnotic state, individuals become more receptive to suggestions and are more open to changing thought patterns, behaviors, poor habits, and beliefs. Contrary to popular belief, hypnosis is not a form of mind control but a collaborative process between a trained hypnotherapist and the individual. In order to make an educated decision it’s important to understand the perks as well as the downsides.

How Does Hypnosis Work?

Typical hypnosis uses a state of relaxation where the client is literally ‘absent’ and can’t consciously hear the therapist’s commands and react to. In that hypnotic state the therapist gives certain commands like not wanting to eat certain foods.

The way I use hypnosis (SSF Hypnosis) is helping my clients to get in a deep relaxation state where they can still hear me and communicate back to me. In that state we reach into their subconscious to spot the root causes of their weight issues. Through guided meditation I then lead my clients through a process where the root causes can be transformed and no longer have an effect.

Hypnosis is effective because it taps into the power of the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind governs automatic behaviors, emotions, and deeply ingrained thought patterns. By accessing the subconscious, hypnosis can help individuals reprogram these patterns and establish healthier, more constructive beliefs and behaviors.

In hypnotherapy, hypnosis is just one part of the method. It starts by identifying potential root causes of the client’s specific issue and designing a positive alternative scenario to the current problem. During the hypnosis process, we delve into the root of the problem, transform it, and replace it with the desired behavior, pattern, habit, or situation, all with the consent of the client.

The Connection between Hypnosis, Weight Loss, Habit Change, and Time-Saving

For busy and overweight businesswomen, time is a precious commodity. Traditional approaches to weight loss and habit change often require a significant time commitment, including planning and preparing healthier meals, engaging in regular exercise, and attending therapy or counseling sessions.

The biggest problem about the old way of weight loss is that the poor habits will always get in the client’s way. Just by getting on a diet, you don’t change your habits. They’re on autopilot and will always come back after you have really uprooted them. Hypnosis offers a time-saving alternative that can deliver remarkable results fast, often effortless, and maintainably and also replacing poor habits with slimming ones. Here’s how:

  1. Efficient Behavior Modification:

Hypnosis can efficiently target the underlying behaviors and thought patterns that contribute to weight gain and unhealthy habits. In a hypnotic state, individuals can rapidly adopt new beliefs and behaviors, making it easier to break free from self-destructive habits and replace them with healthier ones.

  1. Stress Reduction:

Busy women often experience high levels of stress, which can lead to stress eating and weight gain. Hypnosis is an effective stress-reduction tool. By addressing the root causes of stress and promoting relaxation, it can help women manage their stress in a healthy way, reducing the reliance on comfort eating.

  1. Mindful Eating:

Hypnosis encourages mindful eating, allowing busy women to make better food choices without the need for time-consuming meal planning and calorie counting. By taking care of the root of emotional eating and transforming it, the client no longer feels a desire for emotional eating. 

  1. Targeted Focus:

Hypnosis provides targeted focus on specific issues, allowing women to address their unique challenges. Whether it’s sugar cravings, emotional eating, or a lack of motivation to exercise, psychological problems, trauma and abuse, etc, hypnosis can be tailored to address these specific obstacles efficiently.

  1. Long-Term Results:

One of the significant advantages of hypnosis is its potential for long-term results. Unlike crash diets or quick fixes, hypnosis focuses on sustainable behavior change. Once new habits are established at the subconscious level, they tend to persist over time, reducing the need for constant effort and attention. Thus, weight loss often becomes a positive side effect while we are taking care of deep rooted issues and problems. 

Empowering Busy and Overweight Businesswomen

Hypnosis empowers busy and overweight businesswomen to take control of their health and wellness efficiently. By efficiently modifying behaviors, reducing stress, promoting mindful eating, and delivering long-lasting results, hypnosis offers a time-saving solution that perfectly aligns with your hectic schedules. It allows you to reclaim your health without sacrificing precious time, ultimately helping you achieve your weight loss and habit change goals while still excelling in your professional lives.

In conclusion I can say that the way I use hypnosis is the fastest, easiest, most powerful, most effortless, and most sustainable weight loss method I have ever seen in my 40-year career as a body-mind-spirit weight transformation coach. 

If you want to read about a case study where I used my personal form of hypnotherapy, please read the blog post about Giselle.

Hypnosis is an ancient method that has been used by inventors (Leonardo da Vince), politicians, artists, and high executive business peopls. I was pleasantly surprised how many modern-time celebrities used hypnosis for their career, to lose weight and to get rid of some poor habits. For your entertainment, here is a list of a few famous people who used hypnosis.

  • Debra Messing
  • Mark Knopfler
  • Matt Damon
  • Drew Barrymore
  • Ellen DeGeneres
  • Ben Affleck
  • Ashton Kutcher
  • Adele (she used hypnosis to lose weight)
  • Charlize Theron 
  • Sylvester Stallone
  • Aaron Eckhart
  • Kevin Costner
  • Jackie Kennedy Onassisused hypnotherapy to overcome and let go of traumatic events in her life.
  • Reese Witherspoon
  • and many more

I don’t think that any of these people would ever have used hypnosis if it would have harmed them. These people simply can’t afford to take any risks. There is too much at stake for them. They all admit openly that they have used hypnosis and they have never regretted that step.


How Hypnosis Can Particularly Help Busy Women Lose Extra Weight for Good

Losing weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can be a challenging endeavor, especially for busy women juggling career, family, and other responsibilities. Hypnosis has emerged as a valuable tool in the quest for sustainable weight loss, offering a unique approach that addresses not only physical aspects but also the psychological factors that often hinder weight loss progress.

Hypnosis offers a holistic and sustainable approach to weight loss that is particularly beneficial for busy women. By addressing the psychological aspects of weight management, such as stress, emotional eating, cravings, and self-esteem, even trauma and abuse, hypnosis can help women achieve their weight loss goals for the long term. With a customized approach, busy women can integrate healthier habits into their daily lives, making weight loss a natural and lasting part of their routines. Hypnosis provides a practical and empowering solution for those seeking to shed extra weight and maintain a healthier, happier lifestyle.

You now have the opportunity to transform your life and reclaim your well-being in the shortest and most effortless way. Seek out a skilled hypnotherapist who understands the root causes of women’s weight issues, who can debunk the myths and guide you on your unique journey. And if you’ll choose me, it will be my utmost honor and pleasure to be your partner in this very important process.

For busy women who are ready to shed those extra pounds for good, hypnosis can be the time-saving solution you’ve been looking for. Don’t let your hectic schedule hold you back any longer. Hypnotherapy is not a time investment but a time-saver. Embrace the power of hypnosis, tailor-made to fit your needs, and discover a more balanced, healthier, and happier you.

It’s time to take charge, make that positive change, and unlock your full potential. Your journey to a healthier, happier you starts right now. It’s time to let go of yo-yo dieting and calorie-counting. You just don’t have time to waste. 

When you’re ready to take that important first step, take a moment to fill out a brief, two-minute questionnaire to pre-qualify for a FREE one-on-one Lose & Shine One-on-One Strategy Session designed for busy businesswomen and get familiar with my work. During this session we will create a personalized weight loss strategy for your lasting weight loss goal. The number of these free sessions is currently limited to only 10 per week. So, please, don’t waste any time. It’s free and showing up is the only commitment. You deserve it!


Happy slimming!

5 Reasons Why Businesswomen (should) Want To Be Slim

5 Reasons Why Businesswomen (should) Want To Be Slim


Are you feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, and trapped in a cycle of stress and excess weight? Do you find yourself nodding in agreement as you read this, knowing all too well the challenges faced by stressed, overweight businesswomen? If so, you’re not alone. In the fast-paced world of business, where success often comes at a price, many ambitious women find themselves grappling with the physical and emotional burdens of excess weight, be it consciously or subconsciously.

As a stress management coach who has worked with thousands of stressed businesswomen and businessmen, and as a weight transformation coach for overweight women, I know both worlds, and I have witnessed firsthand the hidden pain points women like you face. Behind the professional façade, there are struggles that often go unnoticed. Today, I want to shine a light on these challenges, to acknowledge them, and to offer a glimmer of hope for a brighter, healthier future. You must know that the world needs you…and the world needs you healthily and productive without exhausting you.

Here are some of the common pain points overweight businesswomen face:

The Endless Cycle of Stress: Stressed, overweight businesswomen often find themselves trapped in a relentless cycle of stress. The demanding nature of their careers, combined with juggling personal responsibilities, can leave them feeling mentally and physically drained. This chronic stress not only takes a toll on their overall well-being but also affects their relationship with food, leading to emotional eating and weight gain.

Strained Self-Image and Confidence: Carrying excess weight can significantly impact a woman’s self-image and confidence. The conflict between their professional identity and their physical appearance creates a constant internal struggle. They may doubt their abilities, fear judgment from colleagues and customers, and find it challenging to project confidence in their professional endeavors. This negative self-perception further perpetuates the cycle of stress and weight gain.

Limited Time and Energy for Self-Care: The demanding nature of their careers often leaves stressed, overweight businesswomen with little time and energy to prioritize their own well-being. Long work hours, tight deadlines, and hectic schedules make it challenging to engage in regular exercise, prepare nutritious meals, or practice self-care. This lack of time and self-neglect further contributes to weight gain and a decline in overall health.

Health Complications and Reduced Productivity: Carrying excess weight can have detrimental effects on one’s physical health. Overweight businesswomen may experience fatigue, low energy levels, and increased susceptibility to chronic conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension. These health challenges not only impact the personal well-being but can also hinder the professional productivity and success.

Emotional Impact and Mental Well-being: The emotional impact of being overweight as a businesswoman cannot be underestimated. The constant pressure to excel professionally, combined with the weight-related stigma and societal expectations, can lead to feelings of shame, low self-esteem, and even depression. This emotional burden further exacerbates the challenges faced by stressed, overweight businesswomen.

Can you relate?

If any of these pain points resonate with you, know that you are not alone. In the USA alone, 70% of women are overweight or even obese. So if you’re an American, being overweight may almost be “normal”, but unfortunely only on the outside.

Countless women in the business world share similar experiences, silently carrying the weight of their challenges. However, it’s crucial to remember that there is hope and a way forward.

It’s time to break free from the shackles of stress and excess weight. It’s time to prioritize your well-being and embark on a transformative journey that will empower you to thrive as a businesswoman. Like I said, the world needs you. 

Now, let me be clear—I don’t promote diets or excessive exercise. My focus is on helping you lead a healthy lifestyle while changing habits and delving deep into the underlying causes that contribute to weight issues. This is where true, lasting change resides: in your subconscious.

Now, enough about me. It’s time to focus on you—your obstacles, your aspirations, your desires, and your journey towards a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling life. Together, let’s uncover the incredible potential that lies within you and create a future that exceeds your wildest dreams.

To begin with, let’s talk about why you, as a businesswoman or a woman on stage (should) want to lose your extra weight asap. First we have to get down to brass-tacks. As a businesswoman you must face the utter truth and you can handle the truth, otherwise you would not be in business. Please understand that if you want to experience everything a healthy and slim body has to offer and how much it will change your business life, you first need to understand what root causes you need to uproot first.

Reason #1: Grappling with a conflict between your professional identity and your physical appearance.

As someone who has walked that path and triumphed, then stumbled and learned, I’m here to share what I’ve discovered.

The sad truth is that your extra weight carries more consequences than you might realize. As a businesswoman, your professional success often intertwines with your physical appearance. Excess weight can diminish your self-image, making you doubt your abilities and potential. It can diminish your confidence and hold you back from seizing opportunities. But you know what? It’s time to break free from these chains.

Imagine for a moment the impact of achieving your natural and maintainable weight loss. Picture yourself stepping into meetings with newfound confidence, owning the room with your presence and ideas. Shedding those extra pounds will not only transform your body but also reshape your self-image. Now, embrace the power within you that is already there to redefine your identity as a strong, successful businesswoman, regardless of your current weight. 

When you commit to a natural and maintainable weight loss approach vs. a diet or another quick fix method, your energy levels soar. You can say goodbye to fatigue and sluggishness. You experience more mental clarity and focus that will allow you to tackle even complex challenges head-on, making decisions with precision and efficiency. The reason is because you’re changing things on a much deeper level what has broader consequences on your overall well-being.

And it doesn’t stop there. Your transformation will also radiate throughout your professional life. As you shed the excess weight, you’ll notice your movements becoming more agile and your physical presence more commanding. People will take notice, responding to your newfound confidence and credibility. Your professional opportunities will expand, as others recognize your determination and discipline.

Reason #2: the impact your excess weight has on your physical health

Now let’s talk about a topic that is often talked about but often gets overlooked by the individuals themselves: the impact your excess weight has on your physical health. We humans tend to believe that we can treat our bodies in any way we want without having to face any consequences. Many of us even treat their cars better than their own bodies. It just doesn’t occur to them that their weight could lead to severe health challenges. I know both sides, and I want to share the sad reality, the facts, and the solutions to help you reclaim your health and wellbeing. Don’t allow things to get too far, if you can prevent it. And if you your health is already challenged, act soon. 

It’s no secret that your extra weight takes a toll on your body, and the consequences are real…and as an intelligent woman you know that. Excess pounds can lead to fatigue, reduced stamina, and a lack of energy to fuel your busy days and a long list of other health issues. But it doesn’t stop there. Being overweight increases your risk of chronic conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and joint problems, which is my problem, and I can tell you, it’s darn painful. Your health is your wealth, and it’s time to address it head-on.

Unfortunately, that’s still not all. Let’s be real and not forget the monetary costs excess weight and poor health can have. Doctor’s visits, medical bills, and prescription medications can drain your resources and limit your financial freedom. I often hear from overweight women that the costs of their excess weight exceed $10,000 per year. Imagine redirecting those hard-earned dollars towards investing in your business, your dreams, and a future filled with health and vitality. How much could that improve your life?

Now, on the other side, let’s explore the impact your natural and maintainable weight loss can have on your health and wellbeing. Imagine waking up every morning with a renewed sense of vitality, ready to conquer the day. As you shed those extra pounds, your energy levels soar, fatigue becomes a distant memory, and your overall well-being improves.

Your body is a temple…literally. It’s the place from where you can act as a successful business woman and fulfill your life purpose, therefore it’s your most important success tool. And when you treat it with respect, it rewards you in many ways. A natural and maintainable weight loss journey strengthens your immune system, reduces the risk of chronic diseases, and enhances your overall quality of life. It’s not just about looking great on the outside; it’s about feeling amazing from the inside out. TRUE weight loss is about transforming everything that has contributed to your current weight…LITERALLY everything. Sustainable weight loss involves changing not only your body but also your mind and spirit, and most of all, your subconscious.

What impact can your transformed health have on your business success?

When you prioritize your well-being, you become an unstoppable force. Your increased energy levels and mental clarity empower you to tackle challenges with focus and resilience. You’ll find yourself making better decisions, leading your team with confidence, and achieving remarkable results. As you know, success leaves clues. Achieving such a difficult and complex goal like losing weight leaves a strong “message” in your subconscious mind, and henceforward you will walk differently, you will stand taller, and you will talk with more self-confidence. You have given your subconscious mind a new self-image which will radiate through every fiber of your being. You may not realize the difference, but others do.

During my time of being slim, I became a different person. Previously, I was very shy to a point where I could not talk to strangers and even very seldom to people I knew. I could never have imagined that one day I would confidently stand on stage in front of hundreds of people and speak to them about healthy weight loss and transformation of crisis. Suddenly, doors opened that I didn’t even know existed. Everyone wanted to be my friend, men pursued me, and I received flowers, poems, and songs dedicated to me. The media wanted to work with me, organizations wanted to work with me, fortune 500 companies hired me. The best part was that I could work from home, be there for my child most of the time, and still have a significant income and a successful coaching business. I led a completely different life from before – a happy, interesting, and fulfilling life that I absolutely loved. And I had no idea how, where, and when my life shifted in such a big, positive way. It just did. And it can shift for you as well. 

Now, to be totally upfront, you may have such experiences simply by following a diet, if you have no psychological issues at all. But as we all have our wounds, only by transforming drama, trauma and your inner psychology and mindset will experience this kind of transformation. While those who lose weight through a diet are cranky all the time because they’re chronically starved, you will experience how not only your outer weight is falling off of you but also your inner burdens.

Reason #3: Our customers’ (or bosses) subconscious minds

Now, let’s talk about a topic that affects us deeply, (whether we realize or not) especially as businesswomen: how others perceive us when we carry excess weight. We tend to underestimate the impact it can have on our reputation and business success. So, let’s address it head-on. As business women we have to be totally clear about what’s going on in our customers’ subconscious mind when they interact with us. I think that as a businesswomen we must face the truth. 

It’s disheartening to know that many slim individuals hold negative perceptions about those who are overweight. Words like ‘stupid,’ ‘undisciplined,’ ‘smelly’, and ‘lazy’ are thrown around, contributing to unfair judgments and biases (most of the time behind our back). But we must remember that these beliefs stem from ignorance, stereotypes, and societal pressures and most of all from the old ‘eat less and exercise more’ paradigm, which is insanely outdated.

It’s important to recognize that these negative perceptions don’t define who we are. Besides, we just have to get away from the misconception that all overweight people are chronic and undisciplined over-eaters. For most of us, the root causes are somewhere else, and the ‘eat less and exercise more’ tactics just don’t work. Besides, your worth as a businesswoman extends far beyond your physical appearance. Your skills, talents, and determination can and will speak louder than any preconceived notions, once you have gotten over your own perceptions. The more self-confident you feel in your body, the less others will see it as a problem when working with you. It’s time to rewrite your story and let your accomplishments shine. Besides, you don’t want to lose your extra weight for others, but for YOURSELF and for the sake of your health and wellbeing only.

Now, let’s explore the impact your natural and maintainable weight loss can have on your reputation and business success. Shedding those extra pounds is not just about conforming to societal standards; it’s about reclaiming your confidence and proving to yourself and others that you CAN help your clients achieve what they want.

Here are just a few perceptions, people have about ex overweight people who have lost weight.

  1. Many people perceive weight loss as an admirable accomplishment. They appreciate the effort, discipline, and dedication it takes to achieve weight loss goals and view it as a positive change for overall health and well-being.
  2. Weight loss is often associated with improved physical health. People view women who have successfully slimmed as individuals who have taken proactive steps to enhance their overall health and well-being. This perception is often accompanied by positive regard and support.
  3. Weight loss can lead to increased self-confidence for individuals who have achieved their desired results. Others may perceive women who have slimmed down as more self-assured and empowered, which can positively influence how they are perceived in various social settings.
  4. People have more respect for others who have achieved a big personal goal. They become kind of magnetic to others. People have more respect for those who have accomplished significant personal goals, finding them inspiring and admirable, and they want to have the same results. 

When you embark on a journey towards a healthier you, you demonstrate resilience, discipline, and self-care (even though with my method you don’t need a lot of discipline and no willpower). You demonstrate that you CAN achieve goals for you as well as for your clients or bosses. People will notice your commitment and dedication, and they’ll be drawn to your renewed sense of confidence. Your reputation will soar as you become an inspiration to others, showing them what’s possible. Remember, people judge a book by its cover….still. 

Maybe by now you’re getting a sense of how your current weight might even be a blessing in disguise.

Reason #4: self-limiting beliefs

Now, let’s have an honest conversation about self-limiting beliefs and their impact on your business success. Self-limiting beliefs are so common among overweight women. I’ve been where you are, and I can also tell you with my utmost confidence that it’s time to break free and unlock your true potential.

Now, when you carry extra weight, it’s easy to internalize self-limiting beliefs. By going from diet to diet and losing and gaining and losing and gaining, you may have lost faith in yourself, thinking that your inability to succeed with diets is a reflection of your worth. You may believe that it’s your fault and your lack of discipline. These beliefs can and actually do damage your inner psychology, robbing you of your self-image and even impact your business success, and even worse, rob you of your joy of living. So let me tell you, it’s not you—it’s the diets. They do a tremendous damage to a person’s health, psychology, mindset, and subconscious. 

Now, let’s explore how losing weight the right way, in a sustainable and healthy manner, can transform your inner psychology and consequently, your business success. When you go on a journey towards a sustainable weight loss, you rediscover your power and resilience. You realize that it’s not about quick fixes or crash diets; it’s about transforming you psychology, your story, your subconscious mind, and the root causes. Of course it’s also about leading a healthy lifestyle, about nourishing your body, mind, and soul. Yet it’s mostly about transforming the root causes.

As you shed the pounds the right way, you’ll witness a profound shift in your self-image, self-worth, and self-confidence. You’ll start to see yourself as the capable and deserving businesswoman that you truly are. Your self-confidence and self-worth must come from within, where they already are, maybe still hidden, but they are there. These newfound beliefs will shape your decisions, your actions, and ultimately, your success.

When you embrace your true potential and radiate self-confidence, others will take notice. Your clients, colleagues, and partners will be drawn to your magnetic presence and charisma, recognizing your expertise and leadership. Your business will flourish as you attract new opportunities and build stronger connections.

Like you, I’ve walked the path of self-limiting beliefs, and I’ve learned the truth about weight issues that’s often hidden from us. It’s so hard to feel great and powerful about yourself when you see your wobbly flab in the mirror. But it’s an important part of the process and your self-growth! Your weight is literally forcing you to get out of the status quo and begin to take care of your health. It’s your wake-up call. Hear your body’s cry for help!

Reason #5: the impact of embarrassment

Now let’s have a candid conversation about the impact of embarrassment on your business success. It’s time to break free from this cycle and turn it into a journey of transformation in order to gain back the feeling of empowerment.

Being an overweight or obese businesswoman, high executive, or public figure, can be incredibly embarrassing. Deep down, you know how you want to look and feel. You may have tried to accept your weight, but that nagging voice inside tells you that you could look and feel better. This internal struggle can leave you feeling like a loser, especially when diets and other attempts have failed to bring lasting results. But it’s useless because this is a game you can never win. There is only one way of ending the embarrassment. To take the bull at its horns, take responsibility for the current status quo and start making changes from the inside out. Get down to the brass-tacks with your root causes. And if you need assistance with that, I’m here to assist you. 

So, let’s explore how losing weight the right way can help you shed the cloak of embarrassment and unlock a deep sense of pride and self-love. When you embark on a journey of transformation that addresses the root causes of weight gain, something incredible happens. Your body starts to respond, and you feel a growing sense of love and respect for yourself.

As you begin to make progress on your weight loss journey, something amazing occurs within you. You start to feel proud of the choices you’re making and the changes you’re experiencing. It feels like that weight is falling off of you effortlessly. This newfound sense of pride and self-love spills over into all aspects of your life, including your business.

When you feel proud and confident in your own skin, it impacts how others perceive you. Your clients, colleagues, and partners will be inspired by your transformation, and they’ll recognize your strength and determination. This shift in perception can lead to new opportunities, increased credibility, and ultimately, greater business success.

In my work with clients I’ve learned that real, lasting weight loss comes from addressing the root causes. So it’s time to let go of the shame and embrace a future where you feel proud and confident, regardless of your current weight. The trick is to feel confident about your body before you lose weight. Together, we’ll uncover the root causes and transform them, transform your relationship with your body, and set new causes for even greater success in your business.

It’s time to break free from the chains of embarrassment and step into a life filled with pride and success. It’s time to embrace the love and respect your body deserves, while achieving extraordinary business success.

As one of my former clients recently said, “Now I finally have the life I always wanted!” She lost 48 pounds within three months as a side effect (no diet, no exercise), gained a lot more energy, restored healthy sleeping habits, alleviated daily headaches, developed a deeper relationship with her daughter, found the love of her life at the age of 55, and transitioned from being unemployed and searching for an underpaid job to being self-employed, earning double the income she would have made in a job. Throughout these three months of one-on-one coaching, we exclusively focused on transforming her inner psychology rather than addressing any symptoms. Her weight was never on our radar. 

If that’s the kind of transformation you would like to have as well, then you have come to the right place. What you need to understand is that there is an 80% chance that it was your psychology which led to your current weight. So if you want to lose it, you first have to change your psychology and you will not have to bother about the weight itself any longer.

Please ask yourself honestly: Do I really want just the next diet or do I want it all? If your answer is, “I want the health and life I have always dreamed of”, then you are  ready to take the next step towards your transformation. I’m here to guide you on your weight loss journey. It begins with the first step.

When you are ready to find out what your next step could be and shed those extra pounds for good without dieting, I invite you to a FREE one-on-one Weight Transformation Coaching Call  where you will walk away with a personalized weight loss strategy. To qualify, please fill out the following 2-minute questionnaire: 


Happy slimming 🙂 

Unlocking Success: How Body-Mind-Spirit Weight Loss Empowers Businesswomen

In the fast-paced world of business, where demands are endless and responsibilities are overwhelming, the journey to success often comes at a price, and for women, that price is often even higher. For many busy, and stressed businesswomen, that price is their health and well-being, often even the harmony in their families, and eventually also weight gain. As the demands of work mount, health tends to become a lower priority, leading to weight gain and a range of associated health, mindset and psychological issues. However, the power of weight loss extends far beyond the numbers on a scale. Here I’m not talking about weight loss through diets which are known to be very unhealthy. I’m talking about the only sensible way of losing weight: the body-mind-spirit approach. That approach comes with an endless list of positive side effects. 

After I lost 24 kilograms, my life changed almost overnight. It was like I had been reborn into a new and better life. Those who know my story may recall that I was invisible until then. I had no friends, no lasting relationships – I had just gone through a divorce, and I didn’t really have a life. The only precious part of my life was my 2-year-old daughter.

After shedding the weight, I encountered people who supported me in building my coaching and speaking business, which turned out to be one of my greatest successes. Suddenly, everyone wanted to be my friend, and my apartment was regularly filled with people who wanted to be around me. Men pursued me (although I was still me), sent me flowers, and even wrote poems and songs dedicated to me. Frankly, I had no idea how to deal with such sudden attention, and it felt like there was something wrong. But there was nothing wrong, and it only got better.

After posting just three tiny $10 ads in a free newspaper, my coaching business exploded through word-of-mouth ‘advertising’ and referrals. I never aspired to appear in the media (remember, I was extremely shy), but suddenly, I found myself in the spotlight. One media channel after another contacted me, asking for radio interviews or to write about my work. Some magazines even organized regular weekend workshops for their readers with me. Things were literally overwhelming, and I felt like a bystander, wondering what was happening. It wasn’t a dream; it was my dream life.

How could that happen? The answer is simple. I didn’t lose weight through a diet. I shed the weight by letting go of the burdens of my childhood, filled with violence and abuse. By transforming those situations, I found my freedom, and the shadows fell away from me. This transformation didn’t just change my outer appearance (like diets do), but also my energy, vibes, and charisma. I became a happy person people liked to be around.

This is precisely what can happen when you lose weight through a body-mind-spirit approach that addresses the root causes. No diet or exercise program can achieve that for you, but the transformation of the things that don’t go well in your life can!

In this article, I want to delve into how shedding excess weight with a body-mind-spirit approach can profoundly enhance your self-confidence, self-worth, inner psychology, mindset, and ultimately fuel more business success. It’s unbelievable what women can accomplish with such a holistic method, and the results my customer experience never fail to surprise and excite me. 

A Holistic Transformation: Beyond the Physical

Losing weight isn’t just about fitting into a smaller dress size. It’s a holistic transformation that touches and impacts every facet of a person’s life, especially for women in the business world. As the body becomes leaner, self-confidence receives a boost. Shedding excess weight leads to improved body image and enhanced self-esteem, both of which are crucial for presenting yourself confidently in the corporate arena. As the effects of negative experiences are falling off of you, you literally become a better version of yourself…a freer version of yourself. And as this happens, your inner light can shine through you. 

The Confidence Ripple Effect

Imagine walking into a boardroom with a naturally renewed confidence, knowing that you look and feel your best and that your strength comes from within. This boost in self-assuredness has a ripple effect that extends beyond your appearances. It’s called charisma (show me one diet that increases your charisma!). With such newfound confidence, businesswomen are more likely to take risks, voice their opinions, and negotiate deals with confidence and authority. A confident individual radiates credibility, making it easier to win the trust of clients, partners, and colleagues.

Empowering the Inner Mindset

This is the most important part of a sound body-mind-spirit approach and another one, no diet can do for you. Weight loss isn’t just a physical achievement; it’s a testament to the power of your mind and the person you are within. The discipline, determination, and resilience required for weight loss mirror the qualities needed for business success. As businesswomen overcome their weight struggles, their mindset transforms and vice versa. They realize that they can conquer challenges rather through transforming negative experiences and situations rather than through persistence and strategic thinking. The changes are real, genuine and authentic. When it comes to a body-mind-spirit approach, you need much less willpower and discipline than with a diet. You literally transform your body and life from within, all starting with a shift of your mindset and by freeing you from negative experiences in the past.

A Paradigm Shift in Self-Worth

Weight loss often triggers a profound shift in how you perceive your self-worth. Businesswomen who embark on a body-mind-spirit weight loss journey gain a deeper understanding of their own potential because they begin to realize what a tremendous and unlimited potential really lays within them. As long as the shadows of your past are still there, your true You is always hidden behind kind of a fog. Now you break free from the shackles of self-doubt that might have held you back in the past, what is so typical for us women, even successful women. This shift in self-worth fuels a stronger belief in your abilities, setting the stage for unprecedented achievements in your career.

Enhanced Productivity and Focus

Weight loss isn’t just about shedding physical weight; it’s about releasing mental and psychological burdens as well. As you shed pounds, you experience increased energy levels and heightened mental clarity because you’re getting free from all that past garbage that has held you back for years or even decades. This surge in vitality translates to your improved productivity and focus at work. You are better equipped to tackle challenges head-on, make strategic decisions, and lead your teams with vigor.

Elevating Business Success

The benefits of body-mind-spirit weight loss extend to business outcomes in more ways than one. Alas, most women are not aware of that tremendous benefit of this holistic weight loss approach, otherwise every businesswoman would be on that path. A healthier body means fewer sick days and increased resilience against stress, allowing you to stay at the top of your game consistently. Additionally, the habits cultivated during your body-mind-spirit weight loss journey spill over into every aspect of your life, including your professional life. The process works from within to without. 

Unleashing Leadership Potential

Whether you are aware of or not, body-mind-spirit weight loss ignites leadership potential in profound ways. As you witness your ability to transform your body and mind, you realize your power to influence others in a more authentic and congruent way as well. This transformational journey enables you to empathize with colleagues facing challenges, making you a more relatable and effective leader. 

A Wellness-Centric Work Culture

When you, as a businesswoman, prioritize your health and well-being, you inadvertently contribute to fostering a wellness-centric work culture in your family and company. People always like to model those they admire. Your transformation will not go unnoticed. Simply by achieving such a ‘difficult’ goal (only ‘difficult’ if approached incorrectly, yet still perceived as ‘difficult’ in the minds of others), you become a role model for your peers and your family. People will notice the changes you’re making, how you’re giving higher priority to your health, and upon witnessing the results, they may start to shift their own perspectives. This shift in culture enhances camaraderie, boosts morale, and overall workplace satisfaction, resulting in increased collaboration and productivity. For instance, some of the company leaders in Europe whom I’ve coached have incorporated regular, methodical relaxation into their business culture for all staff, resulting in fewer sick days and heightened productivity, focus, and concentration during work hours.

A Confident Future: Embrace the Transformation

In the realm of business, every tool that enhances self-confidence, self-worth, mindset, and inner psychology is invaluable. Body-mind spirit weight loss isn’t just a physical endeavor; it’s a profound transformation on all levels that amplifies these attributes, which can lead to monumental changes in both your personal and professional life. The journey to a healthier body equips you with the skills, beliefs, and mindset necessary to thrive in your career even more. Thus, when done correctly, the physical weight loss becomes a nice side-effect. 

Now, let’s look at the science of body-mind-spirit weight loss success.

The Science of Body-Mind-Spirit Weight Loss Success

Behind the scenes, there’s a scientific explanation for how body-mind-spirit weight loss transforms mindset and self-worth.

“Body-mind-spirit weight loss” refers to a holistic approach to weight loss that takes into account not only the physical aspect but also the emotional, mental, psychological and even spiritual dimensions of a person. This approach recognizes that weight struggles are often influenced by factors beyond just diet and exercise, including emotions, mindset, and even deeper aspects of one’s being, and most importantly, the uprooting of possible root causes.

The scientific explanation for how this holistic approach can transform mindset and self-worth is rooted in several psychological and physiological mechanisms:

Neuroplasticity: The brain’s ability to rewire itself in response to new experiences and thoughts is known as neuroplasticity. When you engage in a holistic weight loss process that involves not just changing eating habits but also working on their thoughts, beliefs, and emotional patterns, they are essentially rewiring your neural pathways. This can lead to a more positive mindset, increased self-worth, and a stronger sense of control over your behaviors.

Emotional Regulation: Emotional eating and weight struggles are often intertwined. By addressing emotional patterns through techniques such as mindfulness, meditation, emotional awareness, and transformation of the root causes you can develop healthier coping mechanisms for stress and emotions. This can lead to a reduction in impulsive eating and a more balanced emotional state, contributing to improved self-worth.

Self-Compassion: Holistic weight loss practices often emphasize self-compassion and self-care. Research has shown that self-compassion is linked to improved mental well-being and a more positive self-image. When you learn to treat yourself with kindness and understanding, you are more likely to develop a healthier self-esteem and a positive mindset.

Hormonal Balance: Stress and negative emotions can lead to hormonal imbalances that affect appetite and metabolism and eventually lead to stubborn weight issues. Techniques such as relaxation exercises and meditation can help regulate stress hormones like cortisol. This, in turn, can lead to better appetite control and weight management, positively influencing your weight management.

Mind-Body Connection: Scientific studies have demonstrated the intricate connection between the mind and the body. Positive psychological states have been linked to improved immune function, reduced inflammation, and better cardiovascular health. As you work on your mindset and self-worth, these physical improvements can contribute to an overall sense of well-being and confidence. Nothing happens on one level without influencing all the other levels. We are whole beings. 

The brain releases dopamine, the “feel-good” neurotransmitter, in response to positive changes. When you witness your body’s transforming, you experience a surge of dopamine, reinforcing the connection between effort and reward. This neurological mechanism ingrains the belief that you can achieve anything you set your mind to, in both weight loss and business endeavors.

In summary, the scientific explanation for how body-mind-spirit weight loss transforms mindset and self-worth lies in the intricate interplay between the brain, emotions, hormones, and the body’s physiological responses. By addressing these aspects in a holistic manner, you can create positive feedback loops that lead to improved self-perception, increased confidence, and a more empowered mindset. This, in turn, can have a profound impact on your overall well-being and success in various aspects of life, including your business endeavors.


One of the remarkable outcomes of body-mind-spirit weight loss for busy businesswomen is the profound boost in self-confidence. Imagine striding into a boardroom, shoulders back, head held high, and a renewed sense of self-assuredness. As the numbers on the scale decrease, the burdens of self-doubt and insecurity dissipate as well. This transformation isn’t just about fitting into smaller sizes; it’s about owning your presence and showcasing an unshakable belief in yourself.

Businesswomen who get on the journey of body-mind-spirit weight loss find that their entire posture changes. The physical weight they shed is mirrored in the metaphorical weight they release from their minds. With each milestone achieved, a sense of accomplishment takes root, allowing you to exude confidence in every step. This newfound confidence isn’t solely based on appearances—it’s also a manifestation of the resilience, discipline, and determination required to achieve such a goal.

Walking taller is more than just a physical adjustment; it’s a manifestation of inner strength. As the journey progresses, you experience a shift in how you perceive yourself. The once-perceived limitations are shattered, replaced by the realization that you possess the power to overcome challenges and achieve your goals. This internal transformation reflects in your gait, your gestures, and the way you command space in a natural way. No longer is it your physical weight which commands space but your vibes. Walking taller becomes symbolic of embracing your worth and embracing the spotlight, both of which are integral to navigating the complex landscape of the business world.

Confidence is magnetic—it draws people in and commands attention. As you shed the layers of self-doubt, you radiate an aura of success that’s hard to ignore. This newfound self-assuredness isn’t just visible in your physical appearance; it permeates your interactions, presentations, and negotiations. A confident individual is better poised to seize opportunities, make bold decisions, and lead with natural authority. This transformative shift doesn’t just empower you—it captivates and influences everyone you interact with, including your children. Thus, you give them an important lesson for life, one which will transform their lives to the better as well. 

The time has come to put your health first. Join me in embracing the journey to improved self-confidence and business success. Take that first step toward transformation and witness the ripple effects it creates in every aspect of your life. Remember, the empowerment you seek is within your grasp. It all starts with a decision—to prioritize your health, seize your potential, and pave the way for a healthier, better, easier and more fulfilled future.

When you’re prepared to take the next step and learn more about the SheSlimForever weight loss approach and schedule a FREE one-on-one Weight Transformation Strategy coaching call with me, kindly complete the brief two-minute questionnaire to determine your eligibility for my complimentary coaching.


Within a couple of days of submitting the questionnaire, you’ll receive an email from me with your answer or an invitation to the free one-on-one call.

Happy slimming 🙂 

Weight Loss Psychology – How Your House Can Make You Fat

Weight Loss Psychology – How Your House Can Make You Fat

By now you have learned about several contributing factors and root causes of weight gain and the inability to lose extra fat.

But have you ever heard that your clutter could add to your weight, too?

When I heard that for the first time from my friend and interview partner Linda J.Binns I was not surprised at all. Because stuck energy is stuck energy is stuck energy….

It just began to make so much sense to me.

Did you ever hear the expression “As within so without?” Actually, it’s not an expression but nothing less but one of the seven Universal Laws, just like the Law of Attention is one of them and true for everything and everyone. Whether you like it or not, these Universal Laws just work with or without you believing in them and with or without your active contribution. Your outer body is just a reflection of what’s going on inside of you, and likewise your home is as well a reflection of your inner world. 

When I asked Linda if it could really be that easy to get rid of clutter and lose weight she answered: “Well, it can certainly my be a contributing or helping factor. Now you know what I want to avoid is people thinking that they can go out and get rid of everything and automatically lose weight. What I hope to show through this interview is the connection between the stuff that we accumulate and any weight that we accumulate and help you understand that and to understand what’s going on, what’s the connection there and how from that perspective when you let go of the clutter, it can actually have a positive impact on your weight as well.”

To that I want to add that it’s all about energy and your inner energy. If you just want to proof us wrong and declutter your house without going through the inner process of letting go, not much will happen. You will feel relieved and lighter, but that doesn’t necessarily means that your fat is now going to burn off like crazy. However, it can. It all depends on what is going on within you. You not only have to ready to let go of clutter but also be ready and willing to let go of everything that lead to weight gain and that is keeping you overweight.

The thing is that the more clutter one has, the more it attracts and that by sorting out one’s stuff literally sorts out one’s life.

“When we attract something, when we are attracting the clutter into our lives, clutter is a symptom of something that is going with us. When you think of energy flow, what clutter does is it stops energy flowing and it creates stuck energy around us. So, when we accumulate clutter, it’s a symptom that something is not in alignment within us and so we accumulate stuff as a symptom of something being out of balance inside of us and that can be. You may not be experiencing it yet as health issues but then you may as well. And then the more stuff you have, the more it adds to itself. And when you sort out that stuff, as you sort out that stuff it starts to help you come more into balance energetically and physically. So you know it starts out as a symptom as you start to address it and you sort out the stuff, it could help you to find the solution for whatever is going on with you on a physical level.”

Learn some simple steps to lose your extra weight for good!

8 Weight Loss Experts Reveal The Truth.


Dealing with the clutter & letting some things go, can really bring major changes in one’s life. When I asked Linda what of change we might experience by decluttering, she answered, “You can really  expect any kind of change.  I mean it really depends on the person and what’s going on in their life. But as I said, collecting clutter, accumulating stuff is a symptom of something that is not right in your life or something that is not right with you. So, as you start to eliminate the clutter and you start to deal with that, anything can change. And I had people experience all kinds of different changes from suddenly finding the  answer to a problem they have been experiencing for many years, or the right person suddenly showing up to help them, or business owners when  they let go off stuff attracting new clients seemingly out of the blue. You know what it does is … as you let go off the stuff, it opens up the space for things to change, for the things that you do really need to come into your life. And so really anything can happen depending on what’s going on with the person at the time.”

“As you let go off the stuff, it opens up the space for things to change, for the things that you do really need to come into your life.”

Of course, this is very individual.  What happens to one person as a result of her letting go process may not happen to anybody else. You can’t tell in advance what is going to change for you. That’s the beauty of inner processes in general: they are entirely individual and so are the results. And although I’m repeating myself – I have to so that you really understand that from the depth of your heart – this can nor will it ever happen with a diet or exercise program. Healthy eating and exercise always have to be part of a sensible weight loss strategy, but they don’t solve the root causes. And that’s really the most important part about my work – I never know in advance how things are going to work out for any particular client. Still after 38 years of doing this work I often get surprised about the results.

To that Linda adds, “It is really very individual. And yes, it’s different for everybody … all I can tell you is that, if you address this, if you deal with the clutter, things can and will change for you for the better.” And the best about this is, that things will change in the best possible way for you, what is the best for you.

Linda is a Feng Shui expert and was often called to look at people’s houses. So I asked her how common clutter is among overweight people and if she can see a common pattern.

“Yes! It’s very common. Even if it’s not the whole house, there is usually some area, at least one area. Very often it will be the closet. I remember walking with one couple – they didn’t have weight issues but they had health issues –  their house was immaculate, but what they had was a basement and an attic absolutely full to the brim of stuff.  Boxes and boxes of stuff, there was no energy movement at all. So, they were living in a kind of sandwich between this stuck energy. So, it may not be everywhere in your house, but it will be somewhere, and if you have any issue with weight, I can almost guarantee you have issues with clutter somewhere in your home.”

Holly wow! When I heard that I was never more motivated to go through all my stuff and get rid of some clutter.

The interesting thing is that enhancements through Feng Shui can never be fully effective as long as there is clutter and thus the flow of energy is still blocked. So many women who struggle with weight constantly feel kind of stuck in their lives, or even imprisoned. So I asked Linda if the simple act of decluttering could positively affect the energy flow in our bodies; especially weight related energy that may be trapped.

“Yes! Just simply decluttering absolutely affects the energy flow in your body . And you know weight is stuck energy. It means that … it’s not simply a question of diet and exercise for everybody. I know of many women who are overweight because of not eating enough, for example. But the weight issue goes so much deeper than just diet and exercise; and what you have to understand is that your environment is simply a reflection of what is going on with you. It’s a reflection of everything that’s going on in your life and again, the clutter is simply a symptom, it’s a sign of what is going on within you. So, when you deal with that clutter and you start to release and open up the energy, it has a very positive effect on your own personal energy because you are directly connected to your home. It’s a reflection of you. So, as you start to clear out that clutter, it starts to clear out your own energy.”

I am sure that ninety percent of my readers now thank Linda for that statement that being overweight is very often not a matter of eating, and it’s true.

So do you feel that you want to declutter a particular closet or a drawer?

Go do it! You will feel lighter after. Besides, your motivation may not get any higher to declutter than it is right now. So use that positive energy.

If you want to get full access to the interview I did with Feng Shui Expert Linda Binns, please join my free webinar at https://cdm.weightlossexpertsrevealthetruth.com/webinar-truth-weightloss-registration.

Happy slimming!


Is your health and weight loss goal worth five to fifteen minutes of your time every day?

If you want to learn a process that leads you to constant weight loss success by baby stepping, check out my Facebook group. 

You can get a feeling for the 4 Pillars of Weight Loss process for free. Simply join my closed Facebook group where you can go through the process by taking tiny daily baby steps completely stress free and still make tremendous progress. 


Weight Loss Psychology – Negative Self-Talk & Healing Through Love

I can’t count how many examples of negative self-talk I have heard from women in my 38 years of being a weight loss coach. Many of the things women tell themselves made me even cry. And these were all wonderful, lovely and loveable women. Yet they all found the worst names for themselves….worse names than they would ever call a dog, let alone somebody else.

A lack of self-love in overweight women is almost omni-present. It seems that overweight women very often also have a problem to love themselves because they did not experience to be loved much during their childhood or in a marriage. They just don’t think they’re loveable, no matter how wonderful and lovely they are. And the worst thing is that they are so convinced that nobody can love them, that even when an entire class of 20 other workshop participants are doing everything to convince them how wonderful and beautiful they are, they find it hard to believe it. Their response often is, “You’re only saying this to be nice with me.”

But fact is that the more we love ourselves the more it’s natural that we take care of what we put into our mouth, what we eat, and what we do to our body. For many overweight women this is probably a far-reaching goal because they are not there yet.

For example, one of my interview guests, Oprah-featured author Laura Fenamore, used to call herself “big, fat, ugly drunk.” Despite being obese and an alcoholic, she had to learn to love herself first to heal both, her weight and her addiction.

These negative self-talks are so common among overweight women, yet they are far from being helpful. That way we can’t build a good relationship with our body and promote lasting weight loss. In order to lose extra weight for good, you need to be in a good relationship with your body to get its full collaboration. How would you like if somebody called you the worst names and then expected you to help them do something for them? Your healthy reaction would be to respond, “Since you can’t be friendly to me, why would I waste any time and energy helping you?”  

How did Laura manage to go from being insanely obese and an alcoholic to being slim, sober, and successful? “Well the first thing that I had to do was really wake up to what I was doing. Because so many people are on auto-pilot that they aren’t even aware of their negative self-talk; they are just not aware that they can’t stop eating or that they are obsessed about food. Maybe they feel dissected like ‘there is something wrong with me.’ But often times people don’t walk around saying, Oh! I call myself an ugly person every day. They just do it. But what happens is, when they get somebody like you coming in their life, and you’re here to help people see another way, they all of a sudden start to notice, ‘oh my goodness, maybe I am not talking to myself so nicely.’ And they start to notice and from the place of noticing, then they can make a shift. I mean it’s really the first step. The first step is to really notice what’s happening, and when I notice that, ‘Oh my goodness, how I’ve talked to myself is just horrible.’ And people say this all the time. ‘I wouldn’t talk to a stranger or a dog the way that I talk to myself. I was really, really mean to myself.’ And that is not going to change until we become conscious of it.”

And then, once you become conscious of it, it’s just a process, the same way that all of the inner work is. It’s a process that is needed…not a pill. Although “…we want instant gratification, but instant gratification doesn’t come. It’s really a process to undo those thoughts and feelings and behaviors that we’ve been living with. It just takes one little step at the time…to undo that negative self-talk and to begin to start talking to ourselves with kindness, compassion and love. And even if we find that we’re hanging out with people that are just really talking nasty to us, or they are being just as abusive…a lot of things may need to shift in order for you to move forward,” Laura continued.




Of course, “…that’s not easy for everybody to hear, but I am saying that I’ve had people walk away from jobs and marriages and all kinds of situations where they really were not there for the right reasons; because they were there because they felt like they had to be there not because they wanted to be there.  And it was actually holding them back from their truth and what they wanted and valued.”

The problem is that when you’re being treated badly by other people – family, a spouse or friends – then it’s much easier to think negatively about yourself. And after a while you begin to believe that they are right…you literally buy into that lie. And the longer you live with such a lie, the more you begin to believe it and the harder you will find it to stop those self-abusive talks, because “…one thing feeds into the other.” It gets you on a proverbial downward spiral.

The really dangerous thing about all that negative self-talk is that it gets on auto-pilot. After a while you don’t even realize what you’re thinking about yourself. And even worse, what you think and how you feel about yourself, create a new reality and makes matters worse. The longer such a pattern lasts, the harder it will be to lose extra weight for good.

If this is you, then I’m urging you to get away from such negative self-talk. Don’t allow yourself or anybody else to talk badly about you. You are a wonderful being and loveable. The first step is really to become aware of your negative self-talk. Then stop it!

Stop it!

Just stop it!

The next step then is to be grateful to your body, to what it’s doing for you every second of the day, for years and decades without ever getting a ‘Thank you’ from you. It just does its job as long as it can, even though you often reject your own body. Just know that your body is an intelligent being and it knows exactly what you are doing. Don’t you ever believe that your body can’t be hurt by what you think or say about it.

After the gratitude comes love. Start with something you like about your body. Maybe you have beautiful eyes, great hair or nicely shaped legs. There is something beautiful in every woman.  

Maintainable weight loss begins with loving yourself. I know you may think, ‘I will love myself once I’ll be slim.’ Unfortunately it doesn’t work that way. You have condemned and abused your body so often and for so long, that you first have to stop that and give your body proof that it has a reason to cooperate with you and burn off that extra fat.

To that Laura says, “Well that’s another one of those components. It’s like life is happening now, it’s not a dress-rehearsal, and why would we want to start liking and loving ourselves once the weight is off? I mean, I understand intellectually why people go there. Because they think in their minds, ‘I am not going to love myself until after I get thin or after I stop eating so much.’ But the truth is that you are who you are now, not later. Now. So the love has to be and the self-acceptance has to begin now. And from that place you will stop the war.

Having more self-love means coming from a compassionate place. The negative self-talk may not go away right away. “Again it’s a process, not a pill. It takes a little bit of time, and it’s that place at self-acceptance. Like ‘I appreciate myself now.“

Laura, “It was really another one of those turning points for me. I had to get that, oh my goodness, I have to accept myself as I am in order for me to release this weight and keep it off.  And I really think that that was part of the magic, that I was in a place of self-acceptance and self-love, as I worked myself down the scale. Did I want to be 200 pounds or 220 pounds?  No. absolutely not, and when I say to people ‘you have to accept yourself as you are,’ they are  kinda  like, ‘but I don’t want to look like this, I don’t want to be this way.’  I know.  But if you walk around everyday saying, I hate my body, I hate the way I look, I want to lose weight, I hate to diet,” it’s not going to happen.

What if you’re just going to understand and feel that you can change slowly but surely? Then, while you’re changing, you begin to appreciate your body for what it does and you’re going to do the emotional and mental work that will lead you to feeling good about yourself on all levels. Would that be helpful? How fast do you think things would change for you?

Just try!

Just start somewhere!

It’s a choice. 

I understand that such a process is not easy when you have to go through it alone. For that purpose I have created a closed Facebook group where you can be among like-minded women who have all the same or similar issues like you have. You don’t have to go through this alone. Both, Laura and I had to get help. It would be too big of an ordeal to do it all alone. So let us be in your boat so that we can assist you to lose your extra weight faster. 

Happy slimming!

P.S. If you want to hear my interview with Laura in full lenght, you can go to https://cdm.weightlossexpertsrevealthetruth.com/oto1-weight-loss-experts-reveal-the-truth-membershiptjnoj5ns and try my Weight Loss Answers membership program for free. 


Is your health and weight loss goal worth five to fifteen minutes of your time every day?

If you want to learn a process that leads you to constant weight loss success by baby stepping, check out my Facebook group. 

You can get a feeling for the 4 Pillars of Weight Loss process for free. Simply join my closed Facebook group where you can go through the process by taking tiny daily baby steps completely stress free and still make tremendous progress. 


Fat-Burning Supplements – Their Advantages and Disadvantages

Recently, there have  some fat-burning supplements hit the market with big claims and promises. Because people often ask me what I think about these products, I tried several for myself. Besides, I knew what I had to look for and how to protect my health. In this article I want to share with you my experiences and conclusions.

First of all, those products I’ve tried didn’t work at all.

I’m sure that some people must have lost some weight, otherwise the manufacturer could not make such big claims like “lose 1 pound a day”. Well, maybe I’m still just too naïve or credulous. I just can’t believe that there are people out there who would lie so shamelessly and take advantage of others. But, of course, they do exist. Althought I have seen many of those, I still prefer to believe in the good in people. 

To gain an understanding of what I want to share with you today, let’s assume that these supplements work at least for some people. And let’s take the extreme example of “lose 1 pound a day”.

Doesn’t that sound tempting? Gosh, if that is true, how fast could we all lose our extra weight!


Do we really want to lose it that fast? Is such a fast weight loss healthy? And most of all is it maintainable? Because, who in her right mind wants to lose weight quickly just to gain that lost weight back? So I assume that we are all on the same page here and want to lose weight for good.

To get a better understanding of how much sense such a speedy weight loss would make, we have to take a look into our body. There are two major issues with that.

First of all, when we lose weight in an unnatural way fast – meaning that we use a substance that forces our body to burn fat very quickly – what happens then in our body?

The faster you lose fat, the more your body will be instantly be flooded with toxins and acid. Keep in mind that extra fat serves your body as storage room for toxins and acid in order to keep them safely away from your vital organs and most of all, from your bloodstream.

Why does your body do that?

Because, toxins and acid are lethal already in small dosages. That’s why our body comes with such a fantastic safety system to keep you alive as long as possible. In its wisdom, your body is constantly trying to undo all the damage you and your environment are doing. And it does that 24/7, 365 days a year, every year of your hopefully long life. What an ordeal!

But the moment your body is forced to burn that fat quickly, it will be literally flooded with countless toxic substances and acid; and that can be really dangerous. Even a slight increase of acid in your blood can be lethal. That’s why our body is so adamanent in buildig fat layers upon fat layers to store them away in the least harmful way. 

What would the alternative be? When you lose weight through leading a healthy lifestyle, your body burns a little bit fat, deals with the released acid and toxins small enough so that your system can really deal with without being jeopardized. So it’s burning fat… excreting the released toxins…burning fat…excreting the released toxins…burning fat, etc. On the other hand, if you use a fat-burning supplement, the process is burning fat…burning fat…burning fat…burning fat, and liver and kidneys have no chance to deal with all these newly released toxins. Your system is not prepared to deal with such a sudden load of acid and toxins at once. The consequences are a damage of some organs (liver damage, kidney damage, skin cancer, etc.) and eventually early death. Although then you would not have to worry about your weight anymore, I assume that this is not an option for you.

If this is not fast enough for you – but keep in mind that we are still talking about maintainable weight loss and not about yo-yo dieting – then there is an alternative. It’s excreting toxins first…letting the body burn fat that is no longer needed…excreting toxins…letting the body burn fat that is no longer needed…excreting toxins, and so on. This is what happens when you do a healthy detox or cleansing. Here too, you can either do it the wrong or the right way. [Please see my program SheSlimEasy 90]

Alas, the flood of acid and toxins is just one downside of fat-burning supplements. There is another consequence of quick weight loss. It’s not unhealthy but extremely ugly. I’m talking about the consequence of having lose skin. Lose skin always comes with unnaturally fast weight loss. Natural weight loss, where the body has time to adjust in a natural and healthy manner, hardly leads to saggy skin.

“I can get rid of the excess skin with a plastic surgery,” you may respond. Yes, you can. But I say that you still did not fully consider the consequences.

First of all, each surgery leaves scarves, and scarves derange the functions of the meridians what leads to a variety of health problems. Besides, this would not look nice because then your body would soon look like a map with ugly lines and bumps all over. Thirdly, your body would not look nicely toned and shaped. You may be slim, that’s true, but you will not look attractive because your body would lack a nice shape.

Can you see how the temptation of losing weight quickly leads to new and even more problems? On top of that, quick weight loss is never sustainable. Now you have all these other issues, that is, if you’re still alive; and on top of that you will soon be fat again, now having more problems than ever before.

So why doing this to yourself?

Is that really worth the price?

Learn some simple steps to lose your extra weight for good!

8 Weight Loss Experts Reveal The Truth.


Speaking of the price of these supplements, they are quite expensive. A year’s worth costs approximately $780. Yes, you pay monthly and thus it doesn’t hurt so much. Most likely one year of consuming these supplements will not do because the lost weight tends to come back. So you will more likely have to buy these supplements year after year. And, keep in mind what other costs the fast weight loss will bring in terms of health and longevity. I know people who had to spend all their savings in health costs. And instead of enjoying their life after retirement or buying their dream house, they now run from doctor to doctor and spend a ton of money every month, just to function minimally. Believe me, that’s not what I call a good life. Because everything extreme we do to our body can lead to autoimmunity, and any kind of autoimmune diseases are very expensive to treat, not to speak about the destroyed liver and kidneys, and the skin cancer because these organs could no longer deal with such a load of toxins and acid waste material.

Then there is a third problem with that approach. It does not eliminate the root cause. With that approach – be it diet, exercise, pills, or surgery – you either mask or treat the symptom but not the cause. The symptom may go away for a while or be invisible, but some day it will come back. Symptoms will always come back like a boomerang as long as the root cause is still there. Symptoms are your body’s way of communicating with you. And as long as you don’t deal with the real problem and solve it, the symptoms will come back. So what sense does it make to treat the symptom before the root cause will be eliminated or transformed? 

None whatsoever. 

I had clients who thought that my programs were too expensive and that they first wanted to try X and Y. Of course, they turned out to try X, Y, Z, A, B, and C. Then they eventually ended up in one of my workshops. Only, then I had to deal with a lot more issues than they had a couple of years earlier.

So you spend a lot of money.

You lose precious time and waste your energy.

You lose weight fast but you overtax your excretion organs and get yourself in severe danger of becoming severally ill or even die prematurely.

Then you get that ugly, saggy skin.

Both leads to higher health costs.

And when you’ll gain the lost weight back, you will have to keep purchasing these supplements, quickly getting yourself in an endless downward spiral. And some day you will end up at my door again. 

So, may I introduce you to a healthier alternative where you can lose weight fast now (not ultra fast but still fast) while detoxifying in a healthy way, and all that without getting so much excess skin that the body can’t adjust anymore and safe you a lot of money and sorrow?

My SheSlim programs are all about transformation of the root causes. Once the root cause(s) is eliminated, your body has no longer a reason to hold onto the extra fat and can begin to burn it off in its own speed. For example, in my SheSlimEasy program we transform all the habitual root causes – we work on eight habit groups and over 20 poor, fattening habits. In my SheSlimFast program we then take the detoxification to the next level, where the most weight loss can happen. In my SheSlimSmart program, we take care of your mindset and your psychology and use mental techniques for faster and easier weight loss in accord with your body. The SheSlimForever program is then about the transformation of psychological root causes and trauma. The last two workshops are mainly for maintainable weight loss while the first two can lead to fast weight loss in healthy ways. For all these programs the main goal is maintainable weight loss through transformation

That’s the big difference.

The big difference is maintainable weight loss through transformation.

This path is certainly faster than constant yo-yo dieting. It’s safe, healthy, and maintainable. So here you really have it all.

And here is another fantastic benefit most people are not even aware of. With this approach you are creating a nice domino effect. 

By transforming the root causes, they also automatically improve their overall health, their social life, their love and sex life, their professional success, their finances, and their relationships. Many of my former clients have even deepened their spiritual life. These are all very positive and extremely powerful ‘side effects’ you can’t get from a diet, a supplement or a gastric surgery.

So ask yourself, which side effects would you rather have? Illness, burn out, saggy skin, early death?

Or how about a nicely shaped slim body, great health and vitality, and massive improvements in every aspect of your life that may take a little bit longer?

It happens now and then that I meet a former participant on the street or on Facebook. Some of them I have on the phone now and then. And what I hear from them are statements like the following: “Since my parents have followed your workshop, you have often been a topic during our family meals, and what I have learned from you indirectly, I can now pass on to my family and they all have had great successes by following your advice.” That was a statement I recently heard from a young man whose parents attended a weekend workshop more than 30 years ago. He now has children of his own and passes on what his parents shared with him during their family meals to his wife and children. Get that, one couple invested in a weekend workshop with me and now three generations are using what they have learned and all are benefitting tremendously in every aspect of their lives, be it school, job, business, health, relationships, you name it.

That’s what I call great value.

A couple of years ago I met a former client of mine in a mall. She told me that she had lost me out of sight when I moved to another country and that she and her mother (both former workshop participants) have been looking for something similar than my workshops for years. They have attended many workshops since and even enrolled in a class to learn an alternative therapy method. But she told me that they were constantly disappointed because, “nothing came even close to your workshops…not even close,” she said.

Frankly, for many years I had no idea that people were feeling that way because I saw them once or twice and then never again. I had no idea that they never came back for the simple fact that they didn’t need my assistance anymore.

How can that be?

The short answer is: Because my methods are based on natural and universal laws which are true for everybody and everything. You can transfer my methods to any problem that might be ailing or bothering you, not just weight loss. And while transforming the causes of weight issues, at the same time you also transform the causes of other diseases and any kind of problems and issues.

These methods work because they are based on fundamental truths!

Another short answer is: we are talking about quality here. We have to begin to distinguish between quality and quantity or between quality and speed. Whatever you do on one level, automatically has a positive effect on all other levels as well. When you change your mindset, this has an effect on every other aspect of your life as well. The same is true for your emotional patterns, how you interact with people, and most of all, how you are treating yourself. 

Here is another feedback from one of my former clients. She said, “This was much more than a weight loss program…it was a school of life”. 

To sum it  up, we could say that these fat burning supplements might lead to fast weight loss. On the other hand, I have tried them without dieting, and they didn’t deliver on the promise. If they were really so great, then there was no diet needed, otherwise it’s rather the diet that leads to weight loss and not the supplement. And there is another aspect we have to take into consideration. We can never know how much these products help because of the placebo effect, what makes these supplements even more expensive. And if they work as promised, the benefit of losig weight fast is far smaller than all the negative side effects. 

You can take many detours on the way to your ideal weight…or you can take the straight way by showing a little bit of patience. The choice is yours. 

Happy slimming :-).


Is your health and weight loss goal worth five to fifteen minutes of your time every day?

If you want to learn a process that leads you to constant weight loss success by baby stepping, check out my Facebook group. 

You can get a feeling for the 4 Pillars of Weight Loss process for free. Simply join my closed Facebook group where you can go through the process by taking tiny daily baby steps completely stress free and still make tremendous progress. 
