Unlocking Success: How Body-Mind-Spirit Weight Loss Empowers Businesswomen

In the fast-paced world of business, where demands are endless and responsibilities are overwhelming, the journey to success often comes at a price, and for women, that price is often even higher. For many busy, and stressed businesswomen, that price is their health and well-being, often even the harmony in their families, and eventually also weight gain. As the demands of work mount, health tends to become a lower priority, leading to weight gain and a range of associated health, mindset and psychological issues. However, the power of weight loss extends far beyond the numbers on a scale. Here I’m not talking about weight loss through diets which are known to be very unhealthy. I’m talking about the only sensible way of losing weight: the body-mind-spirit approach. That approach comes with an endless list of positive side effects. 

After I lost 24 kilograms, my life changed almost overnight. It was like I had been reborn into a new and better life. Those who know my story may recall that I was invisible until then. I had no friends, no lasting relationships – I had just gone through a divorce, and I didn’t really have a life. The only precious part of my life was my 2-year-old daughter.

After shedding the weight, I encountered people who supported me in building my coaching and speaking business, which turned out to be one of my greatest successes. Suddenly, everyone wanted to be my friend, and my apartment was regularly filled with people who wanted to be around me. Men pursued me (although I was still me), sent me flowers, and even wrote poems and songs dedicated to me. Frankly, I had no idea how to deal with such sudden attention, and it felt like there was something wrong. But there was nothing wrong, and it only got better.

After posting just three tiny $10 ads in a free newspaper, my coaching business exploded through word-of-mouth ‘advertising’ and referrals. I never aspired to appear in the media (remember, I was extremely shy), but suddenly, I found myself in the spotlight. One media channel after another contacted me, asking for radio interviews or to write about my work. Some magazines even organized regular weekend workshops for their readers with me. Things were literally overwhelming, and I felt like a bystander, wondering what was happening. It wasn’t a dream; it was my dream life.

How could that happen? The answer is simple. I didn’t lose weight through a diet. I shed the weight by letting go of the burdens of my childhood, filled with violence and abuse. By transforming those situations, I found my freedom, and the shadows fell away from me. This transformation didn’t just change my outer appearance (like diets do), but also my energy, vibes, and charisma. I became a happy person people liked to be around.

This is precisely what can happen when you lose weight through a body-mind-spirit approach that addresses the root causes. No diet or exercise program can achieve that for you, but the transformation of the things that don’t go well in your life can!

In this article, I want to delve into how shedding excess weight with a body-mind-spirit approach can profoundly enhance your self-confidence, self-worth, inner psychology, mindset, and ultimately fuel more business success. It’s unbelievable what women can accomplish with such a holistic method, and the results my customer experience never fail to surprise and excite me. 

A Holistic Transformation: Beyond the Physical

Losing weight isn’t just about fitting into a smaller dress size. It’s a holistic transformation that touches and impacts every facet of a person’s life, especially for women in the business world. As the body becomes leaner, self-confidence receives a boost. Shedding excess weight leads to improved body image and enhanced self-esteem, both of which are crucial for presenting yourself confidently in the corporate arena. As the effects of negative experiences are falling off of you, you literally become a better version of yourself…a freer version of yourself. And as this happens, your inner light can shine through you. 

The Confidence Ripple Effect

Imagine walking into a boardroom with a naturally renewed confidence, knowing that you look and feel your best and that your strength comes from within. This boost in self-assuredness has a ripple effect that extends beyond your appearances. It’s called charisma (show me one diet that increases your charisma!). With such newfound confidence, businesswomen are more likely to take risks, voice their opinions, and negotiate deals with confidence and authority. A confident individual radiates credibility, making it easier to win the trust of clients, partners, and colleagues.

Empowering the Inner Mindset

This is the most important part of a sound body-mind-spirit approach and another one, no diet can do for you. Weight loss isn’t just a physical achievement; it’s a testament to the power of your mind and the person you are within. The discipline, determination, and resilience required for weight loss mirror the qualities needed for business success. As businesswomen overcome their weight struggles, their mindset transforms and vice versa. They realize that they can conquer challenges rather through transforming negative experiences and situations rather than through persistence and strategic thinking. The changes are real, genuine and authentic. When it comes to a body-mind-spirit approach, you need much less willpower and discipline than with a diet. You literally transform your body and life from within, all starting with a shift of your mindset and by freeing you from negative experiences in the past.

A Paradigm Shift in Self-Worth

Weight loss often triggers a profound shift in how you perceive your self-worth. Businesswomen who embark on a body-mind-spirit weight loss journey gain a deeper understanding of their own potential because they begin to realize what a tremendous and unlimited potential really lays within them. As long as the shadows of your past are still there, your true You is always hidden behind kind of a fog. Now you break free from the shackles of self-doubt that might have held you back in the past, what is so typical for us women, even successful women. This shift in self-worth fuels a stronger belief in your abilities, setting the stage for unprecedented achievements in your career.

Enhanced Productivity and Focus

Weight loss isn’t just about shedding physical weight; it’s about releasing mental and psychological burdens as well. As you shed pounds, you experience increased energy levels and heightened mental clarity because you’re getting free from all that past garbage that has held you back for years or even decades. This surge in vitality translates to your improved productivity and focus at work. You are better equipped to tackle challenges head-on, make strategic decisions, and lead your teams with vigor.

Elevating Business Success

The benefits of body-mind-spirit weight loss extend to business outcomes in more ways than one. Alas, most women are not aware of that tremendous benefit of this holistic weight loss approach, otherwise every businesswoman would be on that path. A healthier body means fewer sick days and increased resilience against stress, allowing you to stay at the top of your game consistently. Additionally, the habits cultivated during your body-mind-spirit weight loss journey spill over into every aspect of your life, including your professional life. The process works from within to without. 

Unleashing Leadership Potential

Whether you are aware of or not, body-mind-spirit weight loss ignites leadership potential in profound ways. As you witness your ability to transform your body and mind, you realize your power to influence others in a more authentic and congruent way as well. This transformational journey enables you to empathize with colleagues facing challenges, making you a more relatable and effective leader. 

A Wellness-Centric Work Culture

When you, as a businesswoman, prioritize your health and well-being, you inadvertently contribute to fostering a wellness-centric work culture in your family and company. People always like to model those they admire. Your transformation will not go unnoticed. Simply by achieving such a ‘difficult’ goal (only ‘difficult’ if approached incorrectly, yet still perceived as ‘difficult’ in the minds of others), you become a role model for your peers and your family. People will notice the changes you’re making, how you’re giving higher priority to your health, and upon witnessing the results, they may start to shift their own perspectives. This shift in culture enhances camaraderie, boosts morale, and overall workplace satisfaction, resulting in increased collaboration and productivity. For instance, some of the company leaders in Europe whom I’ve coached have incorporated regular, methodical relaxation into their business culture for all staff, resulting in fewer sick days and heightened productivity, focus, and concentration during work hours.

A Confident Future: Embrace the Transformation

In the realm of business, every tool that enhances self-confidence, self-worth, mindset, and inner psychology is invaluable. Body-mind spirit weight loss isn’t just a physical endeavor; it’s a profound transformation on all levels that amplifies these attributes, which can lead to monumental changes in both your personal and professional life. The journey to a healthier body equips you with the skills, beliefs, and mindset necessary to thrive in your career even more. Thus, when done correctly, the physical weight loss becomes a nice side-effect. 

Now, let’s look at the science of body-mind-spirit weight loss success.

The Science of Body-Mind-Spirit Weight Loss Success

Behind the scenes, there’s a scientific explanation for how body-mind-spirit weight loss transforms mindset and self-worth.

“Body-mind-spirit weight loss” refers to a holistic approach to weight loss that takes into account not only the physical aspect but also the emotional, mental, psychological and even spiritual dimensions of a person. This approach recognizes that weight struggles are often influenced by factors beyond just diet and exercise, including emotions, mindset, and even deeper aspects of one’s being, and most importantly, the uprooting of possible root causes.

The scientific explanation for how this holistic approach can transform mindset and self-worth is rooted in several psychological and physiological mechanisms:

Neuroplasticity: The brain’s ability to rewire itself in response to new experiences and thoughts is known as neuroplasticity. When you engage in a holistic weight loss process that involves not just changing eating habits but also working on their thoughts, beliefs, and emotional patterns, they are essentially rewiring your neural pathways. This can lead to a more positive mindset, increased self-worth, and a stronger sense of control over your behaviors.

Emotional Regulation: Emotional eating and weight struggles are often intertwined. By addressing emotional patterns through techniques such as mindfulness, meditation, emotional awareness, and transformation of the root causes you can develop healthier coping mechanisms for stress and emotions. This can lead to a reduction in impulsive eating and a more balanced emotional state, contributing to improved self-worth.

Self-Compassion: Holistic weight loss practices often emphasize self-compassion and self-care. Research has shown that self-compassion is linked to improved mental well-being and a more positive self-image. When you learn to treat yourself with kindness and understanding, you are more likely to develop a healthier self-esteem and a positive mindset.

Hormonal Balance: Stress and negative emotions can lead to hormonal imbalances that affect appetite and metabolism and eventually lead to stubborn weight issues. Techniques such as relaxation exercises and meditation can help regulate stress hormones like cortisol. This, in turn, can lead to better appetite control and weight management, positively influencing your weight management.

Mind-Body Connection: Scientific studies have demonstrated the intricate connection between the mind and the body. Positive psychological states have been linked to improved immune function, reduced inflammation, and better cardiovascular health. As you work on your mindset and self-worth, these physical improvements can contribute to an overall sense of well-being and confidence. Nothing happens on one level without influencing all the other levels. We are whole beings. 

The brain releases dopamine, the “feel-good” neurotransmitter, in response to positive changes. When you witness your body’s transforming, you experience a surge of dopamine, reinforcing the connection between effort and reward. This neurological mechanism ingrains the belief that you can achieve anything you set your mind to, in both weight loss and business endeavors.

In summary, the scientific explanation for how body-mind-spirit weight loss transforms mindset and self-worth lies in the intricate interplay between the brain, emotions, hormones, and the body’s physiological responses. By addressing these aspects in a holistic manner, you can create positive feedback loops that lead to improved self-perception, increased confidence, and a more empowered mindset. This, in turn, can have a profound impact on your overall well-being and success in various aspects of life, including your business endeavors.


One of the remarkable outcomes of body-mind-spirit weight loss for busy businesswomen is the profound boost in self-confidence. Imagine striding into a boardroom, shoulders back, head held high, and a renewed sense of self-assuredness. As the numbers on the scale decrease, the burdens of self-doubt and insecurity dissipate as well. This transformation isn’t just about fitting into smaller sizes; it’s about owning your presence and showcasing an unshakable belief in yourself.

Businesswomen who get on the journey of body-mind-spirit weight loss find that their entire posture changes. The physical weight they shed is mirrored in the metaphorical weight they release from their minds. With each milestone achieved, a sense of accomplishment takes root, allowing you to exude confidence in every step. This newfound confidence isn’t solely based on appearances—it’s also a manifestation of the resilience, discipline, and determination required to achieve such a goal.

Walking taller is more than just a physical adjustment; it’s a manifestation of inner strength. As the journey progresses, you experience a shift in how you perceive yourself. The once-perceived limitations are shattered, replaced by the realization that you possess the power to overcome challenges and achieve your goals. This internal transformation reflects in your gait, your gestures, and the way you command space in a natural way. No longer is it your physical weight which commands space but your vibes. Walking taller becomes symbolic of embracing your worth and embracing the spotlight, both of which are integral to navigating the complex landscape of the business world.

Confidence is magnetic—it draws people in and commands attention. As you shed the layers of self-doubt, you radiate an aura of success that’s hard to ignore. This newfound self-assuredness isn’t just visible in your physical appearance; it permeates your interactions, presentations, and negotiations. A confident individual is better poised to seize opportunities, make bold decisions, and lead with natural authority. This transformative shift doesn’t just empower you—it captivates and influences everyone you interact with, including your children. Thus, you give them an important lesson for life, one which will transform their lives to the better as well. 

The time has come to put your health first. Join me in embracing the journey to improved self-confidence and business success. Take that first step toward transformation and witness the ripple effects it creates in every aspect of your life. Remember, the empowerment you seek is within your grasp. It all starts with a decision—to prioritize your health, seize your potential, and pave the way for a healthier, better, easier and more fulfilled future.

When you’re prepared to take the next step and learn more about the SheSlimForever weight loss approach and schedule a FREE one-on-one Weight Transformation Strategy coaching call with me, kindly complete the brief two-minute questionnaire to determine your eligibility for my complimentary coaching.


Within a couple of days of submitting the questionnaire, you’ll receive an email from me with your answer or an invitation to the free one-on-one call.

Happy slimming 🙂 

Weight Loss Psychology – Where Do Your Habits Come From?

Weight Loss Psychology – Where Do Your Habits Come From?

Do you agree that bad habit is hard to overcome? In order to make it a little bit easier it’s helpful to understand how habits build.

Every day we make choices in our lives and they are not always helpful or beneficial. We make choices without even realizing that they are not the best for us. And when we get sick and overweight after a while we often wonder why. It may seem like undeserved or without a good reason. But it never is. Every condition in our life we have attracted through thousands and thousands of conscious or subconscious choices we have made in the past.

When we start looking at our habits honestly we suddenly realize that not all of them are good and helpful. But first let us look at how habits can build: the good ones as well as the negative ones.

Whenever we see, hear, experience, say, think, feel or imagine something, our brain immediately registers that information and it will be stored in our subconscious mind as a FACT, no matter whether it’s true or not. The more such information is repeated, the more it becomes a pattern, then a habit and finally reality…without fail. This is true for negative as well as for positive habits.

The way we perceive a life situation or how we feel about and react to, often come from our parents, grandparents, teachers, friends, and mentors, but also through books we read and TV shows we repeatedly watch. The first habits we adopt in life primarily come through our environment. These sources only inspired us to pick up a certain habit, but we were the ones who chose to repeat them.

Later we form habits by making daily poor decisions, mostly in an attempt to stay in our comfort zone and out of laziness. Most of the time these are the poor habits…those habits, which contribute to poor health and weight gain.

Habit is a very important function of the brain, because your brain takes over and does the things you do repeatedly so that it’s free to deal with new and unexpected situations. If we would have to think about everything we do during any given day we would get crazy or at least have a nervous breakdown.

The same is true with our thoughts and feelings. Thought and emotional patterns can become habits as well. When we repeat the same thoughts and feelings over and over again, the subconscious mind will take over after a while and bring the outer results automatically without us realizing how this could happen. This is a great mechanism, but also has consequences for us we do not really want nor appreciate.

For instance, if you think mainly about being overweight, diets, how food can make you fat, how much you hate your body as it is, you will eventually gain more weight. You then think again about being overweight and you will experience the symptoms accordingly. This circle of thinking and feeling and remembering about your weight becomes so automated after a while that you do not even realize what you are actually doing and creating for your life. And the more often you repeat certain thoughts and behaviors, the more your thinking just gets on “auto-pilot” and several aspects are repeated like a CD that is played over and over again without you even noticing because it became so normal.

As a matter of fact overweight people think about their weight all the time. They just have become so used to it that they do not even realize their thinking anymore. And the thinking and feeling about their weight moves to a more subconscious level, and although it’s merely subconscious, these thoughts and emotions are constantly there, bringing more of the results you don’t want. If you think mainly about your weight, you will eventually have weight issues…and more and more of them.

Remember the principle of cause and effect. You can’t sow salad and expect to harvest carrots. Likewise you can’t constantly think about your terrible extra weight and expect to become slim and lean.




It also works pretty much the same with the food we eat. Our body creates enzymes to digest the food we eat regularly, and it stops creating enzymes for food we never or seldom eat. That’s why we often tend to think that the unhealthy foods we so like were better for our body than the healthy alternatives. Of course, it’s not, but our bodies simply found a way to deal with these unhealthy or toxic substances. And when we change our poor eating habits to healthy eating, it takes our body a while to get used to food it didn’t have in a long time or even never before and start creating those digestive enzymes again.

So we can really say that being overweight in itself is a bad habit as well because of repeated patterns – it has become a complex of habits of our thinking, feeling, acting and dealing with food. That’s one big reason why losing weight and keeping it off can be so darn hard: the problem is so complex. It has become automated. And this on top of all the bad, fattening habits many of us have adopted over the years.

Therefore, the bad habit of being overweight is not only in the eating, drinking and exercising, but also in the thinking, behaving, and feeling. For example, one of my former participants used to enter the gate to her yard side-wise even long after she had lost all her excess weight with WW. That, of course, created a new reality of gaining weight back in order to fit into that old habit of entering the gate side-wise. Only once she realized how she had been creating that reality of being obese through her behavior and by changing that she began to get lasting results. 

Instead of making things more complex than they need to be, it’s very advisable to start your new weight loss process by eliminating and transforming your bad habits so that you can move forward in your progress without constantly sabotaging yourself. 

All that being said I hope that it has become obvious to you how complex the habit topic alone is and why losing your extra weight has been so hard in the past. Your complex of habits has constantly gotten in your way and sabotaged even your most serious attempts to lose that weight. Why did you allow that? You didn’t know better. Nobody told you in the past. Everything you thought you knew was that you needed to eat less and exercise more. That mantra has given you a completely false understanding of the real nature of weight gain and weight loss.

We can make conscious new choices at any point in our lives. The most successful people are good role models for adopting better habits into their lives. Successful people literally depend on good habits. Since inhibiting positive habits helps people to become millionaires, why not also find out how positive habits can help you achieve your weight goal, be healthy and live a longer life?

It’s a matter of making the right choices.

Today choose to take care of your poor habits. Decide which way you want to take: alone (this may take months or even years) or with the help of a coach (takes a few weeks or a couple of months).


Then set a date in your calendar when you want to begin your habit transformation process, highlighted in yellow.

Happy weight loss!


Is your health and weight loss goal worth five to fifteen minutes of your time every day?

If you want to learn a process that leads you to constant weight loss success by baby stepping, check out my Facebook group.

You can get a feeling for the 4 Pillars of Weight Loss process for free. Simply join my closed Facebook group where you can go through the process by taking tiny daily baby steps completely stress free and still make tremendous progress.


One Simple Trick for Setting & Achieving Your Weight Loss Goal Successfully

One Simple Trick for Setting & Achieving Your Weight Loss Goal Successfully

So many overweight women are struggling with their weight…unnecessarily hard and long because they have the wrong mindset regarding weight loss. They don’t take the time factor into consideration.

In our mind we can lose weight effortlessly and almost instantly. But the body needs more time to achieve such a goal.

I know there are peers of mine out there who are brainwashing you with the idea that you can lose weight quickly. They show you images of other people who lost weight and tell you that they lost x amount of weight in x amount of time. Those numbers then stick in your head as a “fact”. They are in your brain and you begin to believe – consciously or subconsciously – that you can lose the exact same weight in exact the same time. To your brain, such a before/after picture is PROOF that the method works. And that’s exactly the big mistake and a lie either these “experts” are telling you or a lie you are telling yourself out of wishful thinking. 

But that never happens.

People then often reach to drastic tactics to get the promised quick results such as diet pills, liposuction and the very dangerous gastric surgeries and thus make matters worse. All these are quick fixes but they don’t solve the real problem.

3 Reasons Why You Should Learn to Set Realistic Goals

First of all, each person’s body is differently with different needs and problems. Although we all have basically the same kind of body, we are different in many ways. Some bodies need more time for digestion, others have a slow metabolism, still others have some hormonal challenges, some have different enzymes for digestion, others need more time to burn fat during exercising…and so on.

That’s why it’s very dangerous to hear about people who have lost 10 pounds in 10 days, for example. These numbers get into your brain and subconscious mind and will stick there. You then automatically begin to compare yourself with those people whose success story you have read or heard. This then becomes your unconscious “ceiling”. You simply can’t think beyond those numbers anymore and you can’t push through that glass ceiling anymore. It’s set in your system like a thermostat of your heating system.

Secondly, it took time for your body to accumulate that fat…most of the time we are talking about years and decades of fat accumulation. The longer you are carrying around some extra weight, the harder it will be for your body to reverse it and the more time it will require. The body needed time to create that fat and it will need time to burn it. The results you can get through weight loss diets are never realistic. You will lose a lot of water and maybe even some fat, but if you don’t change the cause, both that water and fat will come back, often quicker than you have lost it.

Thirdly, your current weight is another number that sticks to your subconscious mind and whenever you go on a diet, your subconscious mind will do everything to get back to that number. It’s like with your air conditioner. When you set it to a certain degree, the system will constantly adjust the temperature. When it gets warmer than you chose, the system will cool down; when the room gets colder, the system will heat up. It’s the same with your weight because your body doesn’t understand that you want to get rid of that extra weight and it will always bounce back unless you eliminate the real causes. 

For all these reasons it’s very important that you set realistic goals. Before we come to that, I want to briefly share with you what happens on your psychological level when you don’t get these promised quick results.

The Consequences of Setting Unrealistic Goals

At the beginning you have big hopes and you’re all hyped up. Then, when you gain the weight back or don’t lose as much as you had been promised, you lose hope. Losing hope is a very dangerous thing and quickly leads to depression what creates another downward spiral.

Then, of course, you blame yourself or beat yourself up. After all, those other women accomplished their goals and the “expert” promised that you can achieve the same. Ergo, it must be your fault. And you can back up that logic with the fact that there were situations when you didn’t stick a 100% to the program. Again, ergo it must be your fault.

After a while, you then begin to lose faith in yourself. You just don’t seem to be able to achieve a goal…you don’t trust yourself anymore. So since you can’t achieve that one simple weight loss goal, maybe you’re too stupid to achieve other goals. Right? (I know how harshly women can talk to themselves.) Again, a negative downward spiral begins.

Then kicks in self-pity. Since you “failed” in your understanding, then you probably don’t deserve to be slim, healthy and beautiful. You are doomed to stay overweight for the rest of your miserable life. In other words, you have given up.

Before you even think about setting a new weight loss goal, I highly recommend to reverse that process: give up self-pity, gain back faith in yourself (no, you can’t wait until you will finally achieve your weight loss goal, you have to have faith in yourself first), stop self-blame and gain back your hope. There are sustainable solutions. You just have to allow that mindset shift to happen. 

And here is a crucial point about hope.

You have to STOP hoping for OUTSIDE answers.




As long as you put your hope in diets, the next disappointment is inevitable.

Stop searching on the outside.

80% of your weight loss success is an INSIDE job.

Of course, you can hire a coach for that process and most likely you’ll have to. Yet you still have to go through the process. There is just no short cut. The answers are within you. 

Set Realistic Goals

Then set a REALISTIC goal. Choose how much weight you want to lose and then leave it up to your body how much time it will need to accomplish that desired goal. Your body might surprise you and you can lose that weight much faster than you thought. And there is also a 50% chance that your body may need more time than you think. When you choose a time frame within which you want to shed those pounds, disappointment is certain. You then will lose hope, be disappointed and frustrated and your brain will add another failure to your already existing pattern. 

Adding a time to your weight loss goal is not realistic because at this point you can’t know what really forced your body to accumulate fat in the first place. It can very well be that the real, underlying cause goes years back or that it is something you never thought about. For example, if the cause is a hormonal imbalance, it can take years to balance that back.

What I recommend to my clients is to ALWAYS give themselves at least one entire year, no matter how little weight they want to lose. Remember, lasting weight loss is to 80% an inside job.

If you are obese, then it would be more realistic to give yourself two or three years. The fat burning process can be much faster than that, but if I understand you correctly, you want to lose your extra weight for GOOD and not just temporarily. In other words, you want to make sure that all aspects that lead to your weight gain in the first place will be removed from your entire system: body, mind and spirit, especially from your subconscious mind.

Therefore, the by leaps and bounds fastest way is by keeping away from the diet approach, by setting realistic goals and by giving yourself enough time.

Just think about. What is fast about losing and gaining and losing and gaining? Many overweight women go on like that for over a decade. That’s neither fast nor quick nor sustainable. That is no weight loss at all, because at the end of the day you haven’t lost anything. You’re just a year older and back to your old size…or even a size bigger.

It is truly my hope that you begin to understand why going for the quick fixes is a shot in your own foot.

Therefore my friend, patience is one of the first attributes you will need for your maintainable weight loss success. We are talking about a long-term goal here. We are not talking about a few weeks or months, we are talking about your healthy LIFE….a maintainable healthy lifestyle you can easily follow through with for the rest of your life without starving and without stress. 

Learn to set realistic goals!

It’s crucial for your weight loss success. 


Are your health and weight loss goal worth five to fifteen minutes of your time every day?

If you want to learn a process that leads you to constant weight loss success by baby stepping, check out my Facebook group. 

You can get a feeling for the 4 Pillars of Weight Loss process for free. Simply join my closed Facebook group where you can go through the process by taking tiny daily baby steps completely stress free and still make tremendous progress. 




The 4 Things you need to know before losing weight

From A to B

“If you don’t know where you are going, you will wind up somewhere else!” –Lawrence “Yogi” Berra, Baseball Player and Team Manager


When you plan a journey, there are two fix points you need to know: the starting point and the arrival point.

You would never call your travel agent and order a ticket to “somewhere else”. Neither would you tell the agent that you want to fly to Paris without telling her from which airport you want to leave. 

lostIn both situations you would never arrive. You would either end up somewhere you didn’t want to go or simply stay where you’re at.

And there is a third decision you need to make before your travel can begin. You need to decide how you want to travel. Do you want to fly with a plane, a helicopter or a hot-air balloon? Do you prefer to travel on the land by car, bicycle, train, bus, or by foot? Or do you choose the water to travel? There are several travelling methods you can choose from. In other words, you need a map and a travel plan. 

If you want to travel a long distance, for instance a whole continent, you’d better be prepared to use several means of transportation; at some point you may even have to walk.

Now what does that have to do with your weight loss?

If you’re very overweight, your journey is like unexplored territory. You may have taken some short trips in the past hoping that this would get you to your final destination and inevitably you got discouraged and frustrated because it didn’t.

And this is exactly the big mistake.having a map

You have to plan the journey ahead of time. And depending on the length of the journey you better choose some sensible “transportation” means.

Also mind your expectations. If you only need to lose five to ten pounds, then a 1-month diet may get you to your goal, at least temporarily. But if you need to lose 20, 30, 50, 100, or 200 pounds, you need a whole different strategy.  With each 10-pound step you have to choose a more complex and thorough strategy for long-term success. And you have to take your time. Don’t think in monthly terms. No matter how little you want to lose, think about one year of inner transformation, IF you want to keep your lost weight off. The weight loss itself may take faster, but you need to make sure that the new weight will be maintainable, therefore you want to get everything out of your way that lead to weight gain in the first place. And if you have to lose more than 100 pounds, you better take yourself two to three years to make the weight loss sustainable. 




Then, of course, you want to know your final goal. “Somewhere else” is not a goal. “Less weight” is not a goal. In order to arrive at your destination you need to know exactly where that’s going to be.  Otherwise you’ll never have the satisfaction of having “arrived”, and you need that for your motivation to follow through.

State clearly what you want and where you want to go, for instance, “I want to weigh 120 pounds.” Choose a realistic goal that matches your body. 

Of course you can achieve your final weight goal without knowing how much you currently weigh or what the measures are. But think about, losing weight can be a tedious endeavor and depending on how much weight or inches you want to lose can take quite a while. If you’re very heavy, this process may take up to three to five years. In order to have the willpower to follow through you need to have some short-term successes.  

During that time you need successful milestones you can check off from time to time. Successes are strong motivators, especially when you choose to take that journey alone (I hope you won’t, because then it could literally take you forever). Knowing where you started and achieving sub-ordinate targets will give you evidence of success and motivation to move on. That doesn’t necessarily need to be the scale. I personally prefer taking measurements. Measures are more reliable than the weight.

Now take yourself 15 minutes and sit down with a piece of paper and a pen. Take a glass of water. Determine your current weight and measure the circumference of several body parts.  This is your starting point. 

Then decide what your realistic weight goal could be in terms of weight and dress size. If you are not sure, ask yourself at which weight you felt best in your body. Write that goal down.

The third step is to decide what strategy could get you there and what to “pack” for the journey. This is where most people struggle. The only two tactics for weight loss most people know are dieting and exercise, and diets are only for short-term goals and exercise are long-term goals – you don’t see immediate results. But the heavier you are, the less likely these two tactics will do the job. Ask yourself, whether you have to reduce your stress, sleep more or better, detox and cleanse your body, or what else your body needs to release that extra fat. 

Then you also want to decide who you want to have in your boat. It took me 38 years to detect 59 possible causes of women weight problems and how to address them. Most women only know what they are doing wrong but they don’t know the real root causes because they are always subconscious. But it’s exactly the psychological root causes that provide you from losing your weight for good until they will be addressed. Of course you can go on that journey alone, but my experience of working with over 10,000 women showed me over and over that women run in circles when they are trying to lose weight. And that doesn’t get you anywhere. 

Happy arrival!

If you don’t know what else could help you to achieve and keep your final weight goal, feel free to send me an email to info@sheslimfast.com and we can discuss your individual situation. I know 59 causes of weight issues and can give you direction how to eliminate them. Or you can join my FREE Facebook group that is currently one of my most successful programs.

Happy planning and arriving!



Is your health and weight loss goal worth five to fifteen minutes of your time every day?

If you want to learn a process that leads you to constant weight loss success by baby stepping, check out my Facebook group. 

You can get a feeling for the 4 Pillars of Weight Loss process for free. Simply join my closed Facebook group where you can go through the process by taking tiny daily baby steps completely stress free and still make tremendous progress. 
