Psychology of Weight Loss For Women: Body, mind and spirit weight loss

Psychology of Weight Loss For Women: Body, mind and spirit weight loss

Millions of women are coming to the awareness that diets might not work. In several blog post I mentioned the advantage of having a weight loss strategy vs. just having a diet.

You are a whole being of body, emotions, mind, and spirit. And the causes of weight gain can happen on all these four levels. This is the reason why it’s not enough to just eat healthy most of the time. It’s not even enough to diet and exercise. Therefore, a sensible weight loss strategy integrates all four levels. Of course, healthy eating (the opposite of dieting) and exercise should be part of your weight loss strategy. This may help you lose a little bit of weight temporarily but not for good.

“You could eat the best foods every day, but if you don’t exercise, you are not going to be healthy. Or you could eat the best food, and you could exercise an hour a day, but if your thoughts are always negative, if you are always harboring thoughts of doubt, worry, anger, guilt, jealousy, helplessness and hopelessness, there is no way you’re ever going to be vibrantly healthy.” –Dr. Susan Smith Jones

It’s body, mind and spirit. The body reflects the mind, the mind reflects the spirit.

The body is a good place to start because whatever you do on the physical level will lead to fast weight loss. And what you do on the psychological and spiritual level will lead to lasting weight loss. That’s why you’d be wise to address all levels.

Dr. Susan recommends starting by taking loving care of your body day in and day out. It doesn’t have to be overwhelming; we’re not talking about huge changes in your life. In fact, you can make massive progress by taking baby steps every day. It’s really the simple lifestyle changes you choose to make regarding what you eat, how you deal with stress, how often and the kinds of exercises you do, how much you sleep, and how much water you drink.

Then, the next level will be to change the thinking regarding your body, weight, and food.

You may moan about the fact that losing weight for good is a little bit more complex than just dieting. But as soon as you realize how much more effective a weight loss strategy is than dieting, you will begin to love it. It’s not complicated and – again – it can happen by taking baby steps and simple changes. Besides, what is fast about yo-yoing? 

So many overweight women are torn between feeling guilty and feeling helpless. And in either state, you couldn’t be further from the concept of being the CEO of your own health and weight.

What you must understand is that each of us chooses every second of our life through the subconscious choices we make (mostly through our habits), and thus we create our own reality. From the moment you wake up, you are choosing the thoughts you think, what you can have for breakfast, how you are with people throughout the day and how you want to treat your body.

By being the CEO of your own health and weight, you begin to make conscious choices every day that will move you closer to your weight goal. This path is much more effective than the subconscious one, where you allow your thoughts and emotions to go their way. This makes all the difference between feeling like a victim of a cruel fate and by feeling empowered and in control over our health and life.

Our current life is the result of the countless choices we have made in the past regarding the foods we ate, the thoughts we thought, whether or not we moved, etc. And if you don’t like how your life is heading or where it is right now, you’ve got to make some different choices now. It’s really that easy. You can do it. 

Here is a possible lifestyle recommended by Susan Smith Jones:

  • Choose the best food for you
  • Cultivate a holistic lifestyle
  • Celebrate your blessings – cultivate an attitude of gratitude
  • Take responsibility for your health and weight
  • Choose the first 40 minutes of your day wisely because it sets the tone for the entire day (positive, healthy, happy, relaxed)

Make these five steps part of your weight loss strategy, and you will already be a step closer to your desired weight goal.


A few years ago, I did an interview with several health and weight loss coaches with a different approach than the diet approach. One of these experts was the bestselling American author, Dr. Susan Smith Jones. She quickly turned out to be one of the most amazing interview partners, and she spilled the beans in that interview. She held nothing back. If you want to hear the whole interview with Dr. Susan, you can go here and claim your free 2-week membership trial.

The 4 Things you need to know before losing weight

From A to B

“If you don’t know where you are going, you will wind up somewhere else!” –Lawrence “Yogi” Berra, Baseball Player and Team Manager


When you plan a journey, there are two fix points you need to know: the starting point and the arrival point.

You would never call your travel agent and order a ticket to “somewhere else”. Neither would you tell the agent that you want to fly to Paris without telling her from which airport you want to leave. 

lostIn both situations you would never arrive. You would either end up somewhere you didn’t want to go or simply stay where you’re at.

And there is a third decision you need to make before your travel can begin. You need to decide how you want to travel. Do you want to fly with a plane, a helicopter or a hot-air balloon? Do you prefer to travel on the land by car, bicycle, train, bus, or by foot? Or do you choose the water to travel? There are several travelling methods you can choose from. In other words, you need a map and a travel plan. 

If you want to travel a long distance, for instance a whole continent, you’d better be prepared to use several means of transportation; at some point you may even have to walk.

Now what does that have to do with your weight loss?

If you’re very overweight, your journey is like unexplored territory. You may have taken some short trips in the past hoping that this would get you to your final destination and inevitably you got discouraged and frustrated because it didn’t.

And this is exactly the big mistake.having a map

You have to plan the journey ahead of time. And depending on the length of the journey you better choose some sensible “transportation” means.

Also mind your expectations. If you only need to lose five to ten pounds, then a 1-month diet may get you to your goal, at least temporarily. But if you need to lose 20, 30, 50, 100, or 200 pounds, you need a whole different strategy.  With each 10-pound step you have to choose a more complex and thorough strategy for long-term success. And you have to take your time. Don’t think in monthly terms. No matter how little you want to lose, think about one year of inner transformation, IF you want to keep your lost weight off. The weight loss itself may take faster, but you need to make sure that the new weight will be maintainable, therefore you want to get everything out of your way that lead to weight gain in the first place. And if you have to lose more than 100 pounds, you better take yourself two to three years to make the weight loss sustainable. 



Then, of course, you want to know your final goal. “Somewhere else” is not a goal. “Less weight” is not a goal. In order to arrive at your destination you need to know exactly where that’s going to be.  Otherwise you’ll never have the satisfaction of having “arrived”, and you need that for your motivation to follow through.

State clearly what you want and where you want to go, for instance, “I want to weigh 120 pounds.” Choose a realistic goal that matches your body. 

Of course you can achieve your final weight goal without knowing how much you currently weigh or what the measures are. But think about, losing weight can be a tedious endeavor and depending on how much weight or inches you want to lose can take quite a while. If you’re very heavy, this process may take up to three to five years. In order to have the willpower to follow through you need to have some short-term successes.  

During that time you need successful milestones you can check off from time to time. Successes are strong motivators, especially when you choose to take that journey alone (I hope you won’t, because then it could literally take you forever). Knowing where you started and achieving sub-ordinate targets will give you evidence of success and motivation to move on. That doesn’t necessarily need to be the scale. I personally prefer taking measurements. Measures are more reliable than the weight.

Now take yourself 15 minutes and sit down with a piece of paper and a pen. Take a glass of water. Determine your current weight and measure the circumference of several body parts.  This is your starting point. 

Then decide what your realistic weight goal could be in terms of weight and dress size. If you are not sure, ask yourself at which weight you felt best in your body. Write that goal down.

The third step is to decide what strategy could get you there and what to “pack” for the journey. This is where most people struggle. The only two tactics for weight loss most people know are dieting and exercise, and diets are only for short-term goals and exercise are long-term goals – you don’t see immediate results. But the heavier you are, the less likely these two tactics will do the job. Ask yourself, whether you have to reduce your stress, sleep more or better, detox and cleanse your body, or what else your body needs to release that extra fat. 

Then you also want to decide who you want to have in your boat. It took me 38 years to detect 59 possible causes of women weight problems and how to address them. Most women only know what they are doing wrong but they don’t know the real root causes because they are always subconscious. But it’s exactly the psychological root causes that provide you from losing your weight for good until they will be addressed. Of course you can go on that journey alone, but my experience of working with over 10,000 women showed me over and over that women run in circles when they are trying to lose weight. And that doesn’t get you anywhere. 

Happy arrival!

If you don’t know what else could help you to achieve and keep your final weight goal, feel free to send me an email to and we can discuss your individual situation. I know 59 causes of weight issues and can give you direction how to eliminate them. Or you can join my FREE Facebook group that is currently one of my most successful programs.

Happy planning and arriving!



Is your health and weight loss goal worth five to fifteen minutes of your time every day?

If you want to learn a process that leads you to constant weight loss success by baby stepping, check out my Facebook group. 

You can get a feeling for the 4 Pillars of Weight Loss process for free. Simply join my closed Facebook group where you can go through the process by taking tiny daily baby steps completely stress free and still make tremendous progress.

Why The Image In Your Mirror Can Keep You Overweight

Image in the MirrorWhat I have experienced for myself and often hear from my participants is that they don’t like to look at themselves in the mirror and in shopping windows. Most of them then begin to see all the negative things about themselves: the muffin top, the bad hair, the posture, the fat hips, the too small or too large boobs, the fat ass (their words, not mine), etc. And what they tell me about their bodies is way worse than what I’m repeating here.

Overweight women can be very harsh about their own bodies. Many of my clients tell me that they kind of feel, that when they say all these bad things about their body, other people won’t say them. So this is really a way of protecting themselves from being hurt. It hurts less to say negative things about oneself than hearing them from others. But no matter who says these terrible things about your body, it always hurts…and it has an effect on your weight and the ability or disability to lose it. 

Our subconscious mind is not only an intelligent being, it also has ears. Whatever you say or think about your body, your unconscious hears that. Your subconscious is a 100% obedient to what you say; and when you say all these terrible things about your body, your subconscious instantly gets to work to manifest exactly that physiccally.

But that’s not the worst. Your body is an intelligent being as well, adhering completely and a 100% to the laws of creation and nature. And when you think or say all these negative things your subconscious mind wants to manifest but which are against your body’s onw blueprint, this leads to an enormous conflict for your body spirit.

The problem is that you most likely then will blame the body when you gain more fat because your subconscious thought that this is what you wanted. This leads to a situation of mistrust between you and your body that makes matters much worse and can extend the weight loss (weight gaining) process forever. It literally causes a vicious cycle that spirals down from negative thinking to negative emotions what always have a direct impact on our bodies and down to your subconscious mind whose job it is to bring everything you’re saying and thinking into physical reality.



Your unconscious doesn’t know that you’re saying or thinking these things because you don’t want them. It can’t distinguish between a joke and a command or a complaint and a command. To your unconscious every thought and spoken word is a command to realize. And if you complain about your body or weight, your subconscious mind mistakenly believes that this is what you want and obediently realizes even more of what you don’t want. And at the same time your body is deeply disappointed when it hears such harsh words about it and it stops cooperating and collaborating with you. But it’s exactly your body’s FULL cooperation and collaboration you need. 

Especially feelings of insignificance lead to energy blockages in our bodies what makes losing weight harder. Such energy blockages first have to be released before the body can begin to lose weight.

Now just think about, if you would talk about another person the way you’re talking about your body, would that person be motivated to assist you in your personal goals? Not unless she’d be a masochist. If you have pets you communicate with regularly, you know that they can understand you. Since our body is very much like an animal, it can understand you as well.

Just be aware that you’re not talking just to you. You are talking to your subconscious mind and to your body at the same time. Both have “ears”. The conflict between you, your body and your subconscious mind could not be bigger. So how on earth do you think you could ever lose weight with all that negative self-talk and the conflicts you are creating within yourself?

As long as you can’t look at yourself in the mirror in a friendly, gentle and loving way, I recommend you avoid looking at yourself in the mirror as much as possible…at least for the moment. At the same time take yourself a few minutes every day where you consciously look at yourself in the mirror and tell your mirror image what you like about her. There is always something beautiful in every person. This is the only way you can win your body’s trust back.

I know, this is not an easy assignment for many. I’m pretty sure that you’re going to have difficulties at the beginning. Please, do it anyway. It will soon get easier. And one day there will be the moment when you can look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself that you’re the most beautiful woman you have ever seen…and you’ll mean it. I’m not talking about the narcissistic way of thinking that you were the greatest person on the planet and show off whenever you have the opportunity. I’m not talking about arrogance and cockiness. I’m talking about real, deep, honest and pure self-love. That’s the moment when you, your subconscious and your body will become a team. And that’s the moment when your body can begin to realize its perfect  blueprint…slim and healthy.

Once you’ll cut through all the self-criticism, you’ll never be the same person anymore. Your self-image will have completely changed, and with it your outer body.

Just know that it will take your body longer than your mind to change. So please be patient with your body and don’t beat it up if it can’t lose weight within a month just because this is your wish. Take responsibility and be aware that you have mistreated your body with bad food and a lack of exercise, with your negative self-talk and a whole bunch of bad habits for YEARS. Now it’s time to get in charge and be a kind yet determinded “boss” to your body and subconscious. After all it took you until now to finally get in charge of your weight the right way, and you can’t expect your body to change immediately.

So be patient. Don’t push things. 

Have fun and enjoy the process. I’ll talk to you again next week. In the meantime please feel free to post your comments, questions and everything you want to share with me on this page below this article.

Here’s to your slim and healthy body,

Angela B.

P.S. If you want to learn more about how to change your thinking and behavioral habits, please check this page.



Is your health and weight loss goal worth five to fifteen minutes of your time every day?

If you want to learn a process that leads you to constant weight loss success by baby stepping, check out my Facebook group. 

You can get a feeling for the 4 Pillars of Weight Loss process for free. Simply join my closed Facebook group where you can go through the process by taking tiny daily baby steps completely stress free and still make tremendous progress.